○ Five ○

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The three sat quietly in the stall waiting for Sheila to come into the outhouse listening to the music ziggy turned on.

There was barely any room for all three so Eli sat half way on nick's lap, seeing as Ziggy refused to.

The door opened making Eli lean back into Nick's chest, he was holding onto her so she didn't fall to the ground. And like they always were, ziggy and elis hands were locked together.

"Will." Sheila awed at the sight of cheap candles and flowers on the ground.

"This is too cute." She walked further in with a shit eating grin. "We could've done it in your bunk but I guess this is kind of hot."

Eli mouths 'gross' with sticking her tongue out, pointing her finger to it, they nod at her in agreement

She walks into the stall next to them, the door swinging shut. She opens up the paper Eli had written on.

"Now?" Whispered Eli. "Now." They all pulled on a string, laughing as they heard Sheila scream.


"Run." They all sprinted out of the outhouse, nick being an evil genius, locking the door with a screwdriver.

Nick and Ziggy grab onto Elis hands pulling her with them laughing harder as Sheila screamed even more.

They ran until they got to the science and Nature classroom, all out of breath.

"It worked." Laughed out Eli.

"She sounded like a frog." Ziggy made a noise making her friend and Nick laugh.

"See what did I tell you guys." He smiled at Eli who leant against a desk.

"Fuck paint." Chanted Eli and Ziggy smiling at each other.

Nick repeated after them making them stop and stare at him.

"Who are you?" Eli question him, actually curious. His reputation was Sunnyvale king, future cop. Not prankster.

"Nick Goode." He held his hand out towards Ziggy as a fist making her fist bump him, then to Eli with an opened hand, shaking it softly. "Nice to meet you."

Eli jumps on an empty table before laying down and putting arm over her face. "Well I'm ready for a good nap."

"Same." Replied ziggy slapping onto Elis stomach, flinching away when she swung her leg at her. "Bitch."

"You love me." Eli nods her head with a sad expression. "Yes that is the unfortunate truth."

Nick feeling left out decides to butts in with a too happy of a smile. "Wanna play 21 questions?"

"Yeah." Their voices chorus together making them wiggle their eyes at each other. "Jinx you own me a pop." Ziggy groans at her.

"Okay. Favourite colour?" Nick asks the girls who stare at each other with smiles. "Mines blue, Elis green."


They ask a few more questions before ziggy decides that she was going to get some fresh air, in reality she was going to be listening in on them.

"I'll be back in a few." Ziggy walked off, winking at Eli who became flushed. "Love you." Ziggy replied with an air kiss and finger guns.

"So next question. How come you and Sheila aren't friends anymore?"

"Uh next question." She looks at the snake with a frown. "God Ziggy and I hate snakes." It hisses in her direction making her wince. She then childishly pokes her tongue at it before looking at nick. 

"Why are you dodging my question?" Eli stands up straight, sighing.

"And you care why?"

"Just Curious."

"She's a total bitch. Next question." She walks towards slowly. "Why are you so full of shit?"

They both hear a small giggle, Ziggy's giggling from her eavesdropping.

"What?" He scoffs. "I mean Nick Goode. Daddy was chief of people and you're going to be the same. Except it's make believe."

Ziggy walks back in the cabin with a smirk, slamming the door loudly. "You like Steven King and spiders..."

Eli doesn't finish her sentence feeling embarrassed so as her best friend did. "And the Sunnyvale princess with the weird Shadyside best friend."

The two blush pink at her words "First of all Steven King is well know. And second of all. Even if I like the princess. I'm not allowed."

Ziggy narrows her eyes at him "Not allowed?" He sighs before vaguely explaining "Don't really know if i can handle her. Even if I am the future Sunnyvale king." Eli looks at him with furrowed brows before coming to the realisation.

"Brit." Her facial expression made him feel embarrassed. "The girl who stomped on my heart?" She began laughing so hard that she fell into his arm, clutching it. Her face was red by the time she had finished. 

"So you wouldn't hate it if i were to just lean across from you and i don't know give you a little..." She raised her eyebrows jokingly before puckering her lips at him. "Hey Ziggy what do you..." 

Eli was cut off by a pair of lips hitting hers, she froze slightly forgetting the tingly feeling on her lips. She was quick to respond, the pair forgetting the red headed girl behind them. They begin to lose their breaths. 

Ziggy rolls her eyes before gagging in disgust making the pair pull apart. Just as they were about to lean in again a loud scream erupts. 

"What the fuck" The three rush towards the screams to see a bunch of young campers huddling around the entrance of a cabin. They all push to the front to see a bloody decapitated Jeremy. His glasses covered in his blood. 

Eli stares at the poor boys body in shock and fear, she along with a lot of the other campers were dragged back to the mess hall. Not saying anything, too shocked to utter anything in that moment.



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A/N: A really late update 😄 A couple of weeks late. Work is a real bitch 🥲

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