Chapter One - Fuck School

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. What the fuck did I do last night? And where the fuck am I? I sit up in the bed and look around. At least I didn't sleep with anyone this time. Fucking drugs. Fucking alcohol. Why the fuck did I have so much? Ugh! I know my limits, so why the fuck didn't I stop?

This room looked familiar. I realized that I was at Tom's house. How the fuck did I get here? I got up out of bed with a groan. Fuck this shit. Never again. Why am I lying to myself? I'll do it again, I know I will. So why lie about it?

I stumbled over to the door. Fuck my head hurts. I'm so thirsty. Water. I need water. I also need to pee. Fuck my life. I clumsily walked into the bathroom, almost falling into the doorframe. Every time. Every fucking time. I walked over to the toilet, and pulled down my pants, and flopped out my penis and peed. Fuck this shit. Fuck! It's Monday today! I've got school. Fuck fuck fuck! Why do I do this?! Where the fuck is Adam?!

I pulled up my pants, and walked out towards the kitchen. "James. You're awake." Tom smiled.
"And I have to go to school." I whined miserably.
"Yes, you do," Tom said before adding, "there's a new boy there trying to take over your drug job."
"He can get fucked. That's my territory." I replied angrily. That's one thing I hate. New people trying to sell drugs to my customers.

"He doesn't know that," Tom replied, "you'll have to put him in his place."
"Oh I fucking will. Just not at school. I bet he's the one who sells drugs to Maddie."
"Most likely." Tom replied.
"I'll go to the corner this morning with my gang, and see if it is that fuckwit, Jackson trying to steal my customers."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He replied.

I groaned as I got a sharp pain in the back of my head. "You got any panadol?"
"Yeah? Want some?"
"Yes fucking please." I replied angrily and snatched it out of his hands. I was taking drugs... Again! Fucking hell.


I didn't have enough time to go to the corner that morning. I was going to have to confront them at school. It would be easier to to find them there. One, because they'd be the new person, and two, because they'll most likely have crap, and my customers will complain.

I hope Joseph had gotten to school alright. Sometimes people bashed him. Not because he was my brother. Because he was a drug addict. Of course the younger kids at his school didn't know that, but for some reason all the teens knew that. They always bashed him for really no reason. He never went to school off his face. Well whenever I was home he didn't.

I walked through the front gate causally waiting for someone to approach me. It was very rare for me to be left alone whenever I roamed the school grounds. Most of my customers were waiting for me. Alcoholics, and druggos. Yep. I provided for both. Mostly just druggos though. That stuff was easier to get. Although I could make some pretty great wine. I chuckled to myself at that thought. My wine was something no one bought because no one wanted wine. But it was pretty god damn good if I do say so myself.

"James!" I heard a feminine voice yell. I turned around on one heel.
"Yes?" I replied. I saw Brody standing there. And no. Brody wasn't a girl. I'm pretty sure he was gay, or he had gay tendencies, but he definitely did not sound like he was a man. Although he dressed very boyish. Even wearing a cap on his head.

He came up close to me. He was all jittery and he was talking really fast, like he wasn't leaving spacing in his words.

"There's this new guy and you know he sold me some stuff and it was horrible and I need to buy my usual stuff of off you, because you know, this guy sucks and I'm never going to go to him out of desperation ever again because your stuff is clearly the best."
"Okay Brody. No need to butter me up. I get it."
"You aren't mad?"
"Of course not. I understand what it feels like to be desperate." I replied.
"You do?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied, "but there is something you can do for me."
"I will do anything as a punishment, but please, don't hurt me." He replied wincing.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to introduce me to this new dealer. What's his name?"
"His name is Jackson King," He replied with a smile, "and I'm happy to help you. I still owe you some drug money anyways."
"I'll find you at lunch. Wait for me at the farm, and I'll come and get you. Then you'll show me where he is and tell me everything you can find out and know about him, okay? Then maybe I can forget about that little payment."
"Yes James." He replied leaving.

I turned around and continued my path. I wasn't going to meet up with the boys today, I was going to go see if any of my other customers new anything about him...

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