「 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔. 」

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"Sarada, Y/n!" Our mom called from the other room, "Dinner's ready!" Sarada's eyes widened in happiness. We quickly cleaned up and headed to the kitchen.
"What's for Dinner?"
"Your favourite." Mama stirred the pot as she smiled at us.
"Ano...." Sarada looked down and pouted. Mama stopped and looked at her.
"What happened?"
"When is Papa coming home?" Sarada asked.
"He's out doing difficult work so he can't come home right away."
"Does Papa not care about me, you and Y/n?" Sarada starting tearing up slightly. We've had this conversation multiple times...she really needs him.
"Sarada..." Mama kneeled down to our height, "Papa treasures three of us deeply...you may not get it now...but one day you'll understand." Mama smiled and hugged us both tightly.
"You're squeezing us!" I managed to say as I couldn't breathe.
"I-I'm sorry!" She left us both immediately, "I can't help it. You both are so cute!" Sarada smiled and wiped her tears.
"Mama, have you ever kissed Papa?"
"I want to know too!" I chimed in.  She put her finger on her chin and thought for a moment. She blushed at a thought and giggled.
"What's so funny?" Sarada asked.
"Nothing...I was remembering something even better..." She smiled.
"Mom...that's pervy," Sarada said. I widened my eyes and slapped the back of Sarada's head.
"Usaratonkachi. I'm sure that's not what she meant. Even if she did she would not tell four-year-olds."
"Th-that's not what I meant. " Mama blushed.
"So then...what's better than a kiss?" Mama got her hand up and poked her forehead.
"I'll tell you another time." She gave a closed-eyes smile.
"The heck?" Sarada asked confused.
"I think you'll understand once you meet your dad."

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"Y/n? Are you still awake?" Sarada asked as we laid on our beds. It was around midnight when I felt Sarada poke me awake.
"Sara...now I am." I rubbed my eyes and got up.
"Sorry, I just couldn't sleep." I patted the side of my bed, asking her to lay down.
"Why aren't you able to sleep?"
"I keep thinking bout Papa. I know Mama said we'll meet him one day and how he loves us but...the family doesn't feel complete without him."
"I know something that can cheer you up."
"What?" She looked at me.
"Want me to tell you some stories about him?" Her eyes widened in excitement.
"Really? How do you know?"
"I can...see them. The past." I frowned. Sometimes It's really hard to watch.
"Wowww. Tell me! Tell me!" She got really excited.
"For that...I need to get into character." I said in a playful-serious tone. I threw the blanket off me and stood on the floor, facing Sarada. I made the hand sign and transformed into Papa's twelve-year-old self as Sarada gasped.
"I'm Uchiha Sa-su-kayy." She started giggling, "I love toe-may-toes," I stuck my tongue out in disgust as Sarada copied me, "Do you know Papa's first kiss?" I asked her.
"Again, wrong!"
"NANADAIME. It was Nanadaime."
"..." We couldn't stop laughing. I'm sure the whole neighbourhood heard us.
"I'm sur-surprised Mama hasn't come yet," Sarada said between breaths. Just as she said that Mama opened the door to our room. We both shut up and looked at each other.

"S-Sasuke-Kun?" She rubbed her eyes with a very confused expression. I quickly undid the transformation as Mama put her hand on her hip, "Why are you both up? and why were you transformed as Sasuke?" She looked at both of us for an explanation.
"Sarada had a hard time sleeping so I was just cheering her up," I explained. Mama sighed as she sat got the blanket and tuck us both in. She sat on the bed, next to us and smiled.
"Both of you sleep. I'll be there." Just as she said that we could hear Sarada snore lightly. Mama and I laughed a little at how tired she was, "You too." She rubbed my cheek as I felt my eyes closing, "Good night."

I gasped awake as I had another nightmare. Every night, why? Mama had gone back to her room to sleep. I looked at the clock which showed it was almost three. The sound of my hard breathing was the only thing I could hear. This time it was about the thousands who died during the battle between the Uchiha and the Senju's long ago. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for some water.

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now