Shoshi woke.up on a Monday morning, hopped out of her edgy straw bed and went to brush her teeth with a sugar cane, stick her favourite 😍. Shoshi was hungry so she went downstairs to make some purple pancakes. She looked in The larger but all The food was gone. "I'll just go shopping" she said shoshi went upstairs to get ready. Slapping an edgy outfit over her body with some purple lipstick. She went downstairs opened The door. She stepped outside *sniffing in The edgy Irish air*.
shoshi arrived at The super market when a peticular food caught her edgy eye, it was colin The catipiler . Shohsi was mesmerised love at first site. Admireing thoes sleek and sexy icing top and The creamyyy undercoat. Shoshi picked Colin up and rushed out if the shop "your coming with me babi Colin" she said
*part 2 coming soon