Intoxicating Cocktail

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This one goes out to rae_thereader

Leo turned his head to face Y/N, keeping his eyes locked on Jaxon. "Like you said, I don't think I will. In fact, I'll do this instead." He shifted his eyes toward Y/N and looked down at her, placing his hand on her chin. Lifting it up, he placed his soft lips on Y/N's, kissing her in front of everyone. The crowd went silent, the air hung heavy. When he pulled away, he looked back at Jaxon, when his eyes went wide.

In a jealous fit, Jaxon punched Leo with his right arm as hard as possible. The force of the swing sent Leo to the floor. "What are you gonna do about it," Jaxon sneered, "pissbitch?" A group of Jaxon's friends behind him cheered oohs and aahs. Y/N backed away slowly, shocked. Leo wiped his face with the back of his hand, his lip bleeding. He quickly got up, and brought his face close to Jaxon's, scowling. Leo was taller and far more intimidating when angry. Leo punched him in the right cheek. "Who's the pissbitch now, pissbitch?"

Jaxon and Leo were viciously fighting, throwing punches, kicks, and everything in between. The crowd went from silent to roaring, cheering on the fighters, recording, or live streaming. Leo used a roundhouse kick to sweep Jaxon off his feet and onto the floor, pushing himself on top of him as to pin him down. Their eyes locked as they stared at each other, unsure what to do. The tension left the atmosphere feeling static, like time was standing still. Leo and Jaxon's faces were mere inches from each other, as Leo leaned down slowly. Jaxon tried to say something, but for once in his life, Jaxon, the king of the school, was speechless. When their lips were about to touch, Leo smiled to himself, before kissing Jaxon. Jaxon reciprocated, as Leo put his right hand on Jaxon's cheek, holding himself up by his left lower arm.

As Leo pulled away slowly, he panted, a string of saliva connected their mouths. His breathing was low and shallow, the scent of his cologne and the alcohol in his breath mixing into an intoxicating cocktail, leaving Jaxon wanting more. Jaxon eyed Leo, not pushing him away, just curious. "What the hell was that.."

"What we both knew was meant to happen." Leo smirked, lowering himself and kissing Jaxon again passionately.

It appears the both of them forgot they were in the middle of a huge crowd, making out lustfully on the floor. Y/N and the rest of the crowd surrounding them stared blankly at the both of them. Leo smiled into their kiss. "You know I just kissed her to make you jealous, right?"

"Well it definitely worked. Let's go somewhere more private."

Leo carried Jaxon in his arms bridal style as they headed inside the house. You can imagine what happened..

"A-aren't they cousins..?" Y/N stammered, blushing. Melissa sighed next to her, shaking her head. "Not by blood anyways. Hey...wanna get out of here?"

Y/N just threw her shoulders up. "You know what? Sure."


(A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed that short Laxon story :) I didn't want to write anything too inappropriate since I wasn't sure if Rae would be comfortable with it. Maybe if it gets requested I'll do it idk lmfao- Ship Laxon for clear skin <3)

(Word count: 575)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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