-chapter one

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it was nothing like the screen, and that's what the viewers didn't understand.

oh, how his voice was like silk that was so gently pulled but bounced back so smoothly. how it dripped in honey and made sapnap absolutely melt.

"hey sap, how are you?"

it was simple words but nonetheless, it was all the boy needed, it's the simple words and soft voice that actually broke sapnaps heart, to begin with.

he knew or thought he could never have punz. he always looked down upon himself, never knowing his true worth.

all punz did was try to show the helpless boy how beautiful he was. from trying to convince sap to turn on his face cam to even test the waters by talking about how their first-ever meetup would be.

it was risky and punz knew that. he knew he was playing with literal fire. he knew that if he fell over he would sink too deep.

but who wouldn't? who wouldn't want to sink right into the little pools of brown orbs, his soft doe eyes that have little creases when he smiled.

who didn't want to run his fingers through saps hair and imagine they were playing with soft delicate clouds.

and why in hell would you never want to feel the warm heat that radiated off of sapnap, the comfort he brought with just being there.

although punz was playing with fire, he'll surely never stop.

"im doing fine, as usual," and although his voice was firm it had this delicate touch to it, and although his voice was there it was like he was whispering. he wouldn't dare raise his voice at the other.

but what was it? what made sapnap so incredibly flustered? was it the voice, the looks, the body?

or was it just punz, just his soul, spirit, his poise, and grace. the love that surrounded him tenfold and for the matter of fact, that was the most important thing for sapnap.

although, punz definitely wasn't lacking in the other areas. his skin was smooth as paper and his eyes were as bright as the ocean, or rather the premature sky when the sun is just rising.

it was late, probably too late for the boys to be talking but they couldn't stop themselves, they didn't want to press the red call button and end it all.

the funniest part was that they couldn't just call tomorrow, get some rest and enjoy the night themselves. but why not spend the night with your favorite person ever?

"tell me what's on your mind darling,"

there it was, the stupid fucking pet name. the name that made sapnaps insides turn. it absolutely wrecked his guts.

his face heated up as he looked at the discord screen they sat on his nightstand turned horizontally faced him.

his white pillowcase that covered half his face and made all his words turn to mumbles and the soft background led lights that completed the look.

punz was drolling over the boy, holy shit how could he not, sapnap was the embodiment of perfect and although he didn't see himself that way, punz was determined to help him love himself.

because punz was in love, absolute heartache that it hurt when sapnap had to leave the call because he had a meeting tomorrow. it almost shattered him right there.

he wanted to hold sapnap in his arms, he wanted to feel the tired breath of sapnap on his neck, he wanted to play with sapnap, but not his emotions.

love at first sight; bullshit,..right?


punz sat at his gaming set up, thinking about one thing and one thing only;


his eyes flickered between his monitors, he didn't know what to do. he and sapnap haven't spoken today, okay to admit it, it's only been like 12 hours but punz was craving his attention.

did i forget to mention that punz was absolutely addicted to the other.

he couldn't go one day without talking to sapnap, matter a fact, he couldn't go one hour without even thinking of him.

his mind played on a constant loop, all it was, was sapnap...but he wasn't complaining.

the blonde sighed as he leaned back in his chair, running his fingers over his face.

what if he surprised sapnap with a visit to florida? is that creepy? maybe? he didn't know.

he quickly pulled up flights to orlando flordia, he looked at available flights and there was one in two days.

was this too much? did this cross boundaries? would sapnap even want to see him?

he hovered over the 'book flight' button for a good while until he was snapped out of thoughts when he got a twitch notification:


as soon as the notification went off you already know punz blotted to press on it, what he wasn't expecting was the announcement of the stream,

"okay guys, i wanted to announce finally that george is coming to america!"

wait what?

punz's smiled dropped almost immediately.

of course, sapnap didn't want to see him.

of course, life never went his way.

and of fucking course george had to want to go to flordia the same time he did.

all he wanted to do was see his lover, wait what the fuck did he just call sapnap?

was sapnap his lover? why would he even dare to say that.

everything was confusing, everything sucked right now.

was the fire finally getting to him? was he burning under the pressure?

he didn't know, maybe it was.

because throughout all of this, sapnap never even admitted his feelings about punz.

it was always swept under the rug and forgotten. always put on hold and pinned for another day.

they needed to establish their relationship.

punz closed stream and walked to his bed, flopping on it in his over-dramatic self.

he didn't cry, he wasn't that soft yet, he just wallowed in his own pain.

that went on for maybe two hours until he got a discord notification.

"hey you wanna hop on discord i wanna talk"


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