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A- Ambition: To find my other half and live a happy & simple life.

B- Beverage I love: Coffee. I am a coffee addict, but I do try to minimize my consumption.

C- Clothes I love to wear: Jeans and shirt/tee. I really dont care about my clothing. I wear whatever that catches my eye.

D- Defects in my behaviour: I comeoff as a rude person at beginning. I dont really like people who talk too much about themselves. I am very sensitive. Because of which anything can make me sad.

E- Essential start of day with: Music. If I dont listen to songs in morning, my day ends up being worst.

F- Favourite books: P.S: I love you, Tfios, Till the last breathe, Fifty shades of grey Triology, Two states etc

G- Gold or Silver: Silver. I hate gold.

H- Height: 5'3inch

I- Instruments I love: Piano, guitar and drums. (However I cant play any)

J- Job status: I am still studying. No job.

K-Kissing or cuddling: Cuddling

L- Love or hate: Hate

M- Most used word in vocabulary: 'Okay', 'yah', 'yaar', 'areh', 'shit', 'Gosh', 'God', 'Hell manh', 'manh' etc.

N- Nicknames: There are many. But I go with SS. I hate it when anyone calls me 'shra'.

O- Overstay at hospital: None

P- Priorities of my life: Family and friends. However I try to put myself before anyone else. If I will be able to satisfy myself then only I can pay attention to others wants.

Q- Quote: "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." ♥

R- Relationship status: In relationship. ♥

S- Siblings: None. Sad, I know. :(

T- Time I wake up at: 6:15 am

U- Unique things about me: Well there arent any. But whenever I consider someone as a part of my life, I try notto let them go. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. And I love chatting.

V- Vegetables I love: None. Still I try to eat everything. But if situation occurs then I would rather pick potato over brinjal.

W- Wattpad books I love: Poker face, Classy, Alex's girl, Bestfriends forever right?, Cursed blood, Oasis, Assisting Miss Adams, I do, IWFABNG, BIANAV, After triology, Silk & roses, Ivy and Ivory, Guns and thrones, Vines and Lilies etc

X- X-rays I had: I guess 4.

Y- Yummy I can make: NIL. I cant prepare anything. -_-

Z- Zodiac: Leo & Pisces

Thanks for tagging me deeptiii. I took a little time to update. But still.. :p

I would like to tag Sporshi
Hope you will complete it :)

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