chapter one

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She watched the council members talk and argue, her hair was in long braids and her family markings decorated her brown skin

The council is made up of four classes,the bottom were the rulers of each race in each region

Followed by the regional heads, the 2 royal advisers and the top was the throne.

"Lord Elton I stand on the fact that the queen is not responsible for the feuds between your pack and the always look for ways to start war "

The huge man grunted"and I did not ask your opinion on matters concerning the Northern always seek for attention from the queen"

"Just because you feel the faes are a weaker race gives you no right to attack northerners adore war"

"Do not forget who you talk to Lord Elston your pointy ears should not fool you..your race has slowly dominated the Eastern region...some races slowly forget their place"he said glaring at the lord of faes and the Eastern lord of Elves.

Before it could go more further a loud impatient voice was heard that frightened the Lords"silence..." It was the frightful voice of Ea Viktor, his eyes glared at the room, red as blood he was the Northern regional head,he was known for his short temper,"I do not know who you all are disrespecting,it should be anyone but the throne....Lords of all races are here because the time has come for all of Urania to have a king...the time for the second chance mate of the queen....I will hate for this to be anyone's traveling day"

The queen almost smirked at the calmed hall, while Ea Lorenzo of the Western region was full blown laughing.

Ea Matias the southern head asked bowing before the queen"your majesty what do you wish to as to find king?"

The queen stood up...her cloudy robe swept the ground..her braids turned to a big puff, grey in colour,the markings reduced to just her cheeks, and a small smile that was capable of death occupied her full lips.

The queen's eyes were red as all the other regional heads, her voice barely above a whisper

"It precious to see all my 30 Lords and ladies, from the big bad orcs,the artistic dwarves to the demons, shifters and a sight my eyes adore.....and the most beautiful sight...are my four most powerful brothers from the impatient Ea the serious Ea Dimitri"

She paused looking at her council members.

"It been a couple of sad centuries that I lost my mate...that throne has been empty and hungry for an occupant.." she sighed

"So according to the sacred tree that carries laws...after a century without any of the two thrones occupied...the ruler must go in search of a second chance mate"

"I Imperia Pluto Uranus...daughter of Uranus therefore must find me second chance mate...the regional generals have come up with opinions...I wish to hear from each ruler their opinions".

She sat down watching the council men and women talk amongst themselves.

"Your majesty...this news is beautiful I must say...I and other ladies of the council would be more than glad to line up all able male species from every race...this is because we know your majesty preference in the masculine type..."Lady Alfreda said

"Your majesty I suggest you check amongst the elvish villages there are hybrid that are sure would be your mate...this is due to the fact that you are of elvish blood"

"Nonsense Lord Iriuh, do not let your foolishness be seen in public..."

Ea Lorenzo laughed while Ea Dimitri shook his head

"We all know her majesty is of all race and every race stands a chance to the throne"

There were nods and murmurs

"Your majesty...permit me to suggest...since every race except the demons stand a chance....her majesty should visit every kingdom, pack,coven....she will not only find her other half but also see the activities of these races."

"Lord Leonidas your idea is wise I must say...but leaving the center and going to every region has it days and it will be stressful on the queen's part..."

Their opinions kept coming, after almost 4 hours, the hall was calmed by Ea Dimitri, his aura was always calm and so he didn't have to tell the council members to be quiet

"Her majesty....I suggest you look into lord Leonidas...the Western lord of orcs...for me his idea is wise and more useful"

The queen nodded looking at the Lords before she slowly walked away.

An adviser Dexterio, blind in sight but wiser than many present announced

"The queen of Urania shall announce a month to visit each region...but none of the rulers here are to tell their clan rulers of this a surprise to her people"

The Lords knew going against that proclamation was worst than travelling to the world was a quiet oath

"This council meeting is to an end till the throne says otherwise"


Two days has gone by since the announcement was made in the council.

Queen Imperia sat watching the fairies display some of their skills,it was something she always adored about the people of the center...unlike the other four regions the center people were the weakest but most happy,they do not have time for politics, which shocking since the center is the capital of Urania.

She smiled as Primrose the center queen of the five fairy kingdoms bowed

"Your majesty what is your idea on the second chance've been pretty silent since the council meeting"

The queen nodded, her eyes were a light shade of grey"I really do not wish to find this mate "

The fairy Queen has been friends with the queen long enough to know what she meant

"But visiting every kingdom would make it easier to solve the problems of the North brother is close to wiping off clans cause of their stubbornness"

Primrose nodded"I think it a great idea too your majesty...more so you need the warmness of a male in your bed"

The queen laughed"oh...Lady Primrose you have a wild mind for someone this small"

They both laughed"if you find sure he will adore you"

He sure will

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