The Courage Square

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After finishing the lesson with Squall, Morrigan, tired, went to meet Hawthorne and Cadence, who were already waiting for her in a cafe near The Courage Square. It was 4 pm and there weren't many people at that time. So the children were sitting there alone, except for a couple in love in the far corner of the cafe.

"Well, how are your lessons?" - it was obvious that Hawthorne was bursting with curiosity. He was always terribly interested in what Morrigan was doing on Sub-9. And she promised to take her friends there sometime, but she still couldn't decide when it would be better to do it. Besides, she hadn't told them about the apprenticeship yet and didn't want them to accidentally meet Squall. It was not enough to scare them half to death, despite the fact that Hawthorne had already met with Squall in person.

Morrigan pursed her lips and frowned. Today she wanted to tell her friends about the fact that she accepted Squall's offer and became his apprentice. She thought about it all day, weighed all the pros and cons and realized that the sooner the better. So Morrigan took a deep breath and said in one breath:

"I became a Squall's apprentice".

At these words, Cadence let out a stream of cocktail from her mouth and coughed. Hawthorne hastily tapped her on the back. Clearing her throat, Cadenza fixed her dumbfounded gaze on Morrigan (Morrigan had never seen her friend react so emotionally to something) and exclaimed:

"WHAT did you do?!!" - Cadence couldn't believe her ears. In general, so is Hawthorne, who seems to be simply speechless from what he heard. Which was uncharacteristic of him, who is always talking about something.

Morrigan hunched her shoulders.

"I became a Squall's apprentice" - Morrigan said a little more softly, so that it was barely audible. - "I can explain everything" - she quickly raised two hands, as if defending herself.

"Well, we're listening. We hope you had VERY good reasons" - Cadence looked sternly at Morrigan, but did not say another word.

"Listen, yes, I know that Squall is the most evil person who has ever lived. But he is also the only person who is able to teach me everything that a real Wundersmith needs to know. If only because he is the only living Wundersmith, there are simply no others..."

"It's a reason, but not an excuse" - Cadence said sharply, but then she said it more calmly, seeing the upset expression on Morrigan's face. - "Morrigan, understand, we are worried about you, not to mention Jupiter. By the way, have you told him yet?" - she narrowed her eyes at Morrigan, who shook her head negatively. - "Fine. So, you decided to hold out until the moment when they meet in person. For example, at one of your lessons with Squall, which can take place anywhere, as I understand it, and no one knows exactly when it will take place. When Jupiter comes in at the wrong time and sees you doing miracles, following the instructions of Squall. Yes, this is an unforgettable meeting" - Cadence said sarcastically.

"I'll tell Jupiter when I want to and when I'm ready, it doesn't concern you" - Morrigan also said sharply, but then sighed and continued in a more even voice. - "I know that Squall is dangerous, but I made a deal with him that he will only teach me the Wundrous Arts and will not use me in his evil deeds and all sorts of machinations. I'm not a puppet that he controls. And I am well aware that I need to always be on my guard with him, so you should not worry so much. I'm just studying like in a normal lesson with an ordinary teacher. And I'm not going to conquer Nevermoor and become an accomplice of Squall just because I became his apprentice. So you have nothing to be afraid of" - she lifted her chin, and resentment was clearly visible in her eyes.

All of Cadence's irritation abruptly disappeared, as if it had never existed at all.

"No one is afraid of you. Anyway, we, the other members of unit 919, Jupiter, Deucalion's staff, Marina Cheery" - she said after a pause. - "And if you really think that studying with Squall will be useful and thanks to them you will become a real Wundersmith, then so be it. We will support you".

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