
253 18 64

Each cat is based on my followers, and this is not a roleplay


LEADER: Dawnstar (White she-cat with indigo eyes, has a pink star on forehead, very wise and strong, Dawnshine0903, YES, ME)

DEPUTY: Otterdawn (Brown she-cat with tan flecks and purple eyes. She is very peaceful and hates to fight, ThunderDuringStorm)

MEDICINE CAT: Berrywhisker (Brown she-cat with a pink nose, blue eyes, surrounded by the smell of herbs GladeClan_Official)


Duskrose (Black she-cat with big white splotches on her back, has big amber eyes, dvskyii)

Stormleaf (Black tom with white chest, amber eyes Dark_Forest_Trainee)

Lilyriver (Tabby she-cat with amber eyes IcecreamVibes)

Sunblossom (Ginger she-cat with amber eyes Ambershine_Christian)

Coppersight (Ginger tom with amber eyes Forest_Writer)

Mistyclaw (Blue she-cat with blue eyes DragonKmuff1)

Haredusk (Gray tom with green eyes MoonStarLone)

Icesky (White tom with blue eyes WeAreStormClan)

Sunheart (Ginger tom with green eyes Butterflypaw84)

Silverheart (Silver she-cat with blue eyes Aurora_starz)

Gorsestream (SIlver tom with amber eyes Lynx12345678)

Birchfur (Brown tom with amber eyes Krazy_Kitten315)

Windblossom (Ginger she-cat with blue eyes SparkCat45)

Robinlight (Black tom with piercing green eyes BarkPaw)

Sparroweyes (Ginger she-cat with white and brown splotches, amber eyes Fruit_Dragons)

Hazelfoot (Ginger she-cat with a laurel of fresh flower on her head -Psych_Kitty)

Silverlight (Silver she-cat with white splotches, green eyes --Silverlight--)

Foxtail (A tortoiseshell she-cat with wide amber eyes Flamestriker6)

Lightningfire (A yellow she-cat with narrowed amber eyes DoveFlower_558)

Shadowstorm (Night-purple tom with curious hollowing purple eyes WEWOOsquadcreaor)

Moonwave (Pearl-white she-cat with a calm green gaze aqziiea-)

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