☆ part 1 ☆

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Before I start I just wanna put a tw for: NSFW, strong language, manipulation, mentions family issues, illegal acts, people over 18 getting and spreading under age nudes.

Everyone in this fic is 18 or older, (age of consent) unless specified.

People under 18 (so far): Suna's sister.


"You look the the invisible man from Transylvania" Atsumu said while Osamu was laughing in the background. "Did you just wake up?"

"I mean I'm kinda in bed with my eyes closed, tired as fuck. Hmm, I don't know, maybe?" In fact I had just been rudely woken up by two asshole twins. "You've already managed to ruin my day by waking me up. Imagine the first thing you see in the morning is a fucking SCP and it's brother"



"You look like the pringles man you have no room to talk" Osamu tried his best to insult you, but failed miserably.

"I take that as a compliment. Anyways why is it so windy in your mic?" I opened my eyes and saw the twins hair blowing in the wind.

"We're outside your house" Atsumu calmly said.

"What the fuck? Why? How?" I sat up in my bed and looked closely at my screen, and they were in fact outside my house.

"School starts in 15 minutes" Osamu didn't get to say more before I hung up and slowly made my way to the bathroom while worrying.

"What does he mean invisible man? I'm gorgeous" that was a lie. I mean I am beautiful from 1pm to 11pm, but it was early morning. My lips were cracked and I had big eyebags.

I'm hungry and I'm really craving cereal, but I have to go like now. I could take it in a bowl and walk out with it like a fucking psychopath, but I started just a year ago and I care to much about how people think of me. Maybe I'll put it in a blender like they did in that one TV-show.

While my brain was thinking these ultimate thoughts I spotted my perfect breakfast.

"Y/n jelly sticks don't count as breakfast" Osamu said while giving me a side eye and jugding me.

"The first thing you eat in a day is breakfast don't argue with me" I knew damn well I was right.

"So if you eat dick?" Atsumu didn't even get to finish his sentence before I so kindly interrupted him.

"Only if you swallow" Atsumu almost choked on his own laugh like an idiot when I said that.

"Who sucks dick at 7am?" Osamu questioned.

"Y/n does" Atsumu teased me.

"It was one time" I punched his arm as hard as I could and he let out a pain sound of sort, "or two, you never know" the twins looked at me in disgust while I ate my last jelly stick.

"Anyways... I heard we're switching seats today" Osamu said with no emotion at all like a robot.


To make matters worse Atsumu just had to open his mouth, "imagine if one of us sits next to him"

"Ew I don't even wanna think about that possibility" I fake gagged.

"It most likely wont happen don't worry" Atsumu reassured us as we walked into campus.

"Hey!" A figure yelled in our direction, "what are you doing in the halls? Class started a few minutes ago!"

"Fuck" Osamu said to himself as he dragged me and Atsumu by the hand and started running up the stairs. We bursted trough the door and was met with the teachers cold stare. That stare could kill and old person.

"Class started 7 minutes ago I hope you're aware" she was clearly pissed at us.

"SOMEONE refused to wake up this morning" Atsumu said while staring at me.

"I didn't refuse to I just woke up late. Get it right, Atsumu" I corrected him.

"I'll let you off the hook since this is the first time something like this has happened" the teacher suprised everyone when she said that, "go find your seats" all three of us small jogged to our seats and sat down with our backs straight like we were model students.

"We're switching seats today" she said while grabbing some some paper I assume was the seat arrangements, "and before you complain just know that these seats are completely random"

"Bullshit!" A classmate yelled.

"Yeah! We all know they aren't" another girl yelled.

"You know what? I'll prove to you right now that these seats is random" she seemed very confident and i was confused on how she would prove it to us, "on the first row, right here, Osamu and Atsumu will be seated"

These seats were indeed random.

I don't really mind who I'm seated with but theres is of course one person i would rather eat a salt lamp then to sit with them. They're so rude and cold, but somehow they gained everyone's respect. I'm guessing it's because of fear. They're Atsumu and Osamu's worst enemy so they're mine too.

I crossed my fingers as I heard my name come out from the teachers mouth.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" I sighed as I looked across the classroom at the person I had to sit with for the next 3 months.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" I sighed as I looked across the classroom at the person I had to sit with for the next 3 months

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ihy<3 ~ Suna x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now