the day after

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Hi! I am so sorry I haven’t updated for so long but I have been super busy grading papers and I am kind of having difficulty with time so just be patient. Thank you for reading and voting. Thanx for the comments...they make my day! I made this fanfiction initially for my students but in the end it is primarily for me. Thanx again xxx


When Harry came home his face was pale and expressionless. You could sense the fear behind his jade eyes. Rose had retreated in her room after giving me a sympathetic look leaving us alone to talk. She knew that my mother’s appearance had definitely troubled the waters and was sure that i would have plenty to share with Harry.

“So what happened?” he asked hesitantly. “Was she mad at you? Did she know about me…I wouldn’t be surprised if she did… they must have told her…I mean I know what they are capable of… what exactly did she tell you? Did she give you an ultimatum? Did she tell your dad? She asked you to stay away from me, didn’t she?” he mumbled for ever not knowing how things went but certain that my parents couldn’t have been happy about us.

“Yes… she knows everything. She was informed.” I say ironically moving towards the sofa signalling for him to sit down beside me.

“And…” he continued worriedly.
“And what?” I replied.
“Did she forbid you to see me?”

“ What do you mean forbid me? Harry I am almost twenty years old. They can’t forbid me. She is just worried. Of course she is not happy about it but she won’t do anything to stop me from seeing you. She hasn’t told my dad, yet. I feel she is testing the waters, see how serious we are before she gives him a heart attack…” I smiled.

“This is no laughing matter Valerie… amused much? I died a thousand deaths until you called us to come back … you know that. And besides I want my girlfriend’s parents to like me damn it… and her brothers, too..”

“And they will. Just give it some time…” I reassured him.
“ So who told her?” he asked already sure for the answer.

“Who do you think? Nadia called my house and talked to my mum not leaving anything behind. You know I felt so sorry for her… she was shocked. I don’t know how she was able to drive here after that” I responded only then realising the state that my mum must have been in when she first found out.  

“ You should have talked to her, baby” he said and I knew he was right.

“ So what was the verdict? Don’t hold back. Just tell me what she said… She seemed nice though… nothing like Nadia ‘s parents” he stated.

“ She wasn’t happy about it, Harry. She was disappointed that she had to find that way. She isn’t happy with the situation. I think she feels that I will get over it so... but she did say you were handsome…” I added playfully trying to erase the frown from his beautiful face.

“ She did now, did she?” he gave me half a smile. 

“Yeah she did”

Life went back to normal after my mum came to pay us that surprise visit. She would call me every day and ask me how things were going. She was very worried about me because she realised that I was dealing with difficult people to say the least.

Classes were quite interesting and my mornings were pretty much occupied with lectures, workshops and tutorials. The professors were decent and the days flew by with a lot of homework. Majoring in English literature is not plain sailing. It requires a lot of work and I wanted to prove a point now as well. I didn’t want anyone to think that my work would deteriorate  due to my relationship with Harry. I would do everything in my power to prevent that from happening and make my parents proud.

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