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It was a horrible start to the morning for the fier family. Their family pig, had begun giving birth but not without struggle.

Selena, the younger fier twin, left earlier that morning just as the first light hit her house. She traveled to the man she had been betrothed to for a couple of months, Solomon Goode.

Perhaps if she were there, the birth of their animals young would have been easier. After all she was the calmer more gentler twin.

Instead, her siblings, Sarah and Henry were there to deliver the babes. It was bloody and brutal. The last babe struggled to get out making the siblings panic, resulting in the last possible thing they could think of.

"I'll have to cut it out." Sarah picked up her large and very sharp knife. "One. Two. Three." She quickly sliced the animal and pulled out the babe, saving them both. The sound of the animal were horrid.

"Holy. You saved them both Sarah." Henry looked over her then himself. "Well have to clean up before sister gets back, you know how she feels about blood. Especially this much."

"Yes. You go on, I'll make sure she's fine." He nodded before walking off to clean himself up.

Once they both had cleaned up, Sarah picked out a healthy babe before bringing it to their kitchen, to show her father.

"I'm surprised your sister wasn't there." He looked at his eldest child with a smile. "You have the same touch as she."

"I have luck is all. That and a very sharp knife." She scrambled to pick the pig up before putting it in a cloth bag.

"This wicked one is going to Solomon. It is what Selena had wished before they were born."

"He's lucky to have our Selena." He looked unsure of himself. "Father. She will not abandon us once she is wed." Sarah reassured her father with a small smile.

"I know. She is my daughter after all. I'm going to miss her." He thought of the man she was marrying."Though Solomon deserves someone like our Selena. Beautiful and strong willed. After all the loss of his child and wife, just a year ago."

"She is my other half father, she will never leave us if that's what your worried about." She tightened the bag before smiling at her father once more.

"I worry is all. One day you'll be leaving me too. Hopefully that day isn't to come for a long time."

"Father. The day I leave you. Is the day I die." She kissed his cheek before walking off.

As Sarah walked through her village greeting the towns people with a smile, she saw many of her friends.

"The full moon rises before nightfall." An event she and her sister were going to with many of their friends. Well thinking about going to. They were both nervous about it but thrilled nonetheless. So it was still to be decided.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now