▪︎ Two ▪︎

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Sarah and I had woken up just moments ago, before we quickly got dressed into our gowns.

Mine, a light brown with flowers I had sowen in days before, just for tonight's event.

"Are you ready sister?" I snap my head towards her with a smiled but am startled when I hear a creek of the floor boards behind me.

We spun around to see our brother, Henry, standing there with a frown set upon his face.

"Henry." I whispered holding onto Sarah's hand.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Sarah whispers to him, trying to not wake up father.

Henry responds wittily with the same words as her earning a sigh from the pair of us.

"Henry please don't tell him." I pleaded quietly before kissing his cheek and walking behind Sarah.

This nervous feeling built up in my stomach. It was the first time we had done this. Sure I had snuck out plenty to see Solomon but this was different, we were going to see the widow.

We quietly rushed out of the house before meeting up with Hanna and Lizzie. I stood next to lizzie, my arm interlocked with hers listening to her as she spoke.

"The berries make you see the world beyond our own." I found it fascinating. I had never heard of such a thing and knowing lizzie, it was most likely to become true. "Just one bite."

"What does an old lady need with that." Sarah and I spoke together, it always scared the others but it seemed natural and funny to see their reactions.

"She's not just some old lady." She tugged me tighter to keep warm. "They say the widow is a thousand years old. She drinks the blood of virgins to keep her youth."

"Well you're safe then." Hannah and I giggle at Sarah's words before listening to lizzie once more.

"She sacrificed her husband to become the devils bride." This story is too far fetch. The devil did not exist. "That way she gained eternal life."

"I heard that she kept the company of the natives." I watched as she stared over at Hannah with a smile. "That she even fell in love with one. That's why she was exiled."

The look she gave Hannah was the look I gave Solomon. The look of love. But that can't be. She would tell me and it is sinned upon.

"She learned their medicine too." I began looking at the three. "Solomon told me. He took his past wife after their child had passed but it was too late." His past wife was very beautiful and kind, their child was very sweet. It was sad to see them pass.

We all stare a head to still see absolutely nothing, I began to feel scared and nervous. I had never been this way before.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Hannah questions just as nervous as I. "How do you know where we're going?" She had a fair point.

"I've been there before." She said turning to face the others after letting go of my arm. "Remember when abbigial had her ring of fire."

Aye indeed I remember. I was sat next to her in the church that day. She had received so many looks that she nearly burst into tears.

"She was scratching like a dog in father's service." We all giggle at it because it was very true. "Mother said she had laid with a demon. The devils gift." Her mother liked me, she hated Sarah. So I disliked her.

"More like mad Thomas' gift." I smirk at them as they giggle. It was light fun, Abby was a great friend and we always had fun together.

"Well whoever she laid with. Abby made me go with her to the widow." She hooked her arm back in mine.

"And the widow fixed her with Witchcraft?" Hannah jokingly asked.

"Yes Witchcraft." She looked a head with a disgusted look. " and some foul smelling piss made for whores like Abby Berman."

I nudge her with a frown. Despite her actions, Abby was a kind girl who just made questionable decisions.

We walked a little further ahead and we see a little hut. I clutch onto lizzies arm.

"Are we sure about this?" Sarah and I question lizzie quietly. I was pulled by her and towards the hut.

We pass some hanging rodents and then other dead animals before coming to a door. Lizzie grins at us before peaking her head inside the hut.

"Widow Mary." She calls out. We walk inside to see a fire pit lit in the center of her hut but no one in it. "Widow Mary."

No one responds only a crow squawking, I quickly grab hold onto lizzies arm tighter, I was terrified to say the least.

"She's not here." She tugs me with her looking back at Sarah and Hannah with grin. "Find the berries. Sels with me."

She takes me to a smaller area of the hut before gesturing to me to look around. "I know you don't like this sel but I'm your best friend. I'll always take care of you."

I calm down at her words before looking around for the so called beyond our world berries.

After picking around for a bit, I bend down and my eyes catch onto some type of berries.

"Sarah." Hannah calls out. I grab onto the berries, before rushing in Hannahs direction.

The widow held a knife to her face making my heart beat faster.

"Please let my sister go." I softly say to her, holding my arms out to grab onto Sarah.

"You will bring her down with you. You will be the darkness that overtakes her light." The widow whispers Sarah but we all hear her. "Get out." She begins yelling making us scramble away in fear.

After grabbing onto Sarah, I bolt holding as tight as I could onto her hand. We run quiet a distance before stopping losing our breath quite quickly.

"My sister." I held onto her face with shaky hands. There's was small cut on her cheek. "She hurt you." I was beginning to get angry. She has hurt my other half.

"I will be fine. No need to get worried now."

"Let us go now. It will have already started." Lizzie tells us pulling me towards her and far away from the widows hut.

As we calmed down walking all I could think of was what she said.

You will be the darkness that overtakes her light. What did she mean by that. Sarah was anything but dark, she was the light that lit up my tunnel.

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