▪︎ Three ▪︎

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The girls had quickly forgotten about their encounter with widow as soon as they arrived.

They were given a strong smelling ale from Joseph, all take large gulps of it, including Selena someone who never would have, but she wanted to forget what the widow had said.

They walked behind Abby and issac, watching as they turned around with curious expressions.

Joseph stood next to Selena, adoring her face before taking a berry offered by lizzie.

"Full moon rises." She holds out her hand, all of her friends taking one.

Selena hesitates slightly before placing it in her mouth and chewing on it.

"To the fruits of the land." In just seconds, their faces relax and they begin giggling at the weird tingling sensation.

Selena and Joseph spin around laughing loudly as they danced together, not knowing that they were being watched by angry eyes. Joseph attempts to lean in to kiss a very happy Selena.

"What are you doing?" She dodges him. Her smile drops slightly, the tingly feeling starting to lighten. "I am to be married Jo, to Solomon. The man I am in love with."

"You don't mean that Selena." He scoffs making her stare at him angrily. How dare he tell her how she feels. "He's bad news Selena."

"I..." she was about to respond but a loud slap then her sister voice draws her attention to her.

"There's your kiss." She gestures to his lower region with a smirk. "And if you're still so eager. I'm sure there's a mule tied up that can overlook your flaws in the dark." Everyone including Joseph and Selena laughed at Caleb's retreating figure.

Hannah and Sarah locked hands before wondering off in the dark, both with smiles. Selena smiled at her sisters happy face feeling the tingly sensation swirl around in her body.

"I apologize Selena." A dancing Joseph spoke to her. She nodded at him before dancing around with her other friends.

Her eyes caught onto a figure behind a tree staring at the direction her sister had gone off in. The figure then went towards them making Selena trail after them.

She quietly stepped away from the festivities before walking towards the direction she saw the figure go.

The hair of this person made her smile slightly. He heard the steps behind him, making him hold onto his knife.

"Solomon?" He sighed in relief, putting the knife back in its holder.

"My love you shouldn't be out here alone." She jumped up hugging him tightly, wrapping her legs around him. Solomon quickly caught her smiling at her dazed self.

"I'm alright now my love. My protector is here." She kissed him tugging him to her.

"As much as I love this. I should really get you home." He said after pulling away from her. He put her down holding onto her head and she hugged him.

"Did you see Sarah?" Her voice was muffled as she spoke into his chest. "She and Hannah walked off somewhere. She just humiliated Caleb."

"Okay my love." He kissed her once more before gesturing for her go jump on his back.

"I'll go and tell Abby I'm leaving now." She quickly rushed off to her friend not realizing that her love had gone to see where her twin had gone.

The sight in front of him was disgraceful. It would bring only pain and suffering to his love if anyone were to find out.

Solomon waited for Selena to return to him but realized that she had been cornered by Joseph Jones.

He glared at their figures watching as once again attempted to kiss his love. Solomon watched as she pushed him away from him with a frown before rushing off in his direction.

Joseph followed after her stupidly not knowing the outcoming was going to be messy.

"Joseph. I dear hope you are not trying to harm my dear love." Solomon angrily called out walking forward, hugging the girls waist tightly.

The boy visibly pales at the man's voice. Though it was dark Solomon knew what his expression was less than happy.

"Goode." He gulps looking at the dark figure holding onto the girl he was in love with. "What are you doing out here?"

"The question is: what are you doing out here. Following a young girl out into the dark woods?" Solomon felt the rage building in his chest as he rubbed Selenas back gently.

"Better watch yourself now." Solomon  lifted Selena onto his back before walking off to their home.

It took him a little bit longer but they arrived, though Selena had fallen asleep long before.

He made sure was comfortable before changing her clothes into one of her night gowns she had left.

They were both almost asleep when Selena began speaking quietly.

"Thanks for coming to get me." She hugged him, leaning against his chest. "Joseph tried to kiss me tonight. Twice."

"I know." His reply made her nervous. The drink and berry had now worn off. She was just sleepy now.

"I swear I never.." He kissed her head softly muttering an 'I know'

"Everything will be alright my love. Trust me."

They both fell asleep later, one of them not knowing the horrifying events that would happen the next day.

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