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The five boys were running as they made their way towards the car. They were too excited for this day to come. The tour was finally over so this meant they could go back home and visit with their families. Nothing could bring their mood down. Well, that's what they believed. They thought that nothing could spoil their day.

They all got into their seats and buckled the seat belts as the car started to move away from the hotel and towards the airport. This was the airport that would take them home. Home. The place was so close they could almost touch it. They sang along to songs on the radio and played on their phones for around ten minutes until the car stopped. They didn't think anything of it because they weren't at the airport yet.

The boy named Liam stopped typing on his phone for a second and looked out the window. Why were they stopped in the middle of a free-way, he wondered? He looked to where the driver should have been, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Lads!" Liam yelled at his friends so they would stop goofing off and listen to him, "Why have we stopped, and what happened to the driver?"

The boys all finally started to take notice of what Liam had discovered. None of them had answers for him because they were just as clueless. After a couple more seconds of silence between the friends, Niall spoke, "Do you hear that?"

They all quieted down and sure enough there was a little ticking noise. They didn't say anything to each other as they listened to it. They thought it was just a watch of some sorts.

Harry crawled over to the door and opened it. For a second, nothing happened and all was peaceful. Peaceful until the car exploded and the five boys were sent flying off in different directions across the free-way.

Zayn POV

I was hit with a force that sent me flying. I couldn't comprehend what had happened because all I saw was a bright white light. I couldn't hear anything other than a little ringing noise. I felt myself land on something hard and my vision went black. But I wasn't gone just yet.

I saw flashes in front of my eyes. One I was watching a hockey game. Next I was hiking up on a mountain. I started to bake what looked like cupcakes, then I was playing a piano on a stage. The last one, I was surfing. Wait, surfing? Why on Earth would I be surfing? I can't even swim!

Liam POV

There was a bright light and I could feel myself flying through the air. I think I hit a tree and fell down hitting most of the branches on the way. Although, i couldn't really tell because my whole body was numb. But I did feel it when I hit the ground and my vision went black.

My sight wasn't gone for long because the next few things I saw were unexplainable. I was standing in a board room giving some sort of presentation. Next I was sitting in a class room full of six year olds listening to the teacher. I was brushing this huge dog that was standing on a table, then I was in a bar drinking beer with a bunch of old men. the final thing I was seeing, where my vision stopped, I was in a store filled with bras. I was embarrassed to say I was looking through them.

Harry POV

Flying, I was flying. But it wasn't for long. I landed face down in the dirt before my vision went black. Everything hurt all over my body and I wanted to die right then. But I didn't.

Instead of feeling myself pass-out, I saw myself vacuuming a living room. Next I was painting a picture - which was really good by the way. I almost screamed as I jumped out of a plane, but then I was playing angry birds on a phone. The one where my vision stopped was I was painting my nails in a room with two other girls. What? Why would I be painting my nails a bright orange?

Niall POV

Pain. White. Weightless-ness. Those were the only words I could think of before my body hit the ground and I hit my head really hard. My vision turned black and I started to wonder if this was it for me? Would I die right here and never see my family again?

I think I blinked, because when I opened my eyes I was on a roller coaster with my hands high above my head. Next I was on a boat reeling in a fish. I smiled for a picture, then I was making a vase on a spinning wheel. The last thing I was doing was walking down the half empty street with books in my hands. What did I just see? And how is it that I'm not moving my own body?

Louis POV

I didn't fly. I skidded across the ground that was covered in sharp jagged rocks. My whole back felt like it was bleeding until it went completely numb. My vision wasn't helping. All I could see was white. But it went black when something landed on my head. Was that a door or some other part of the car?

I would to have liked to have died right there to get rid of the pain, but I didn't. The black went away and I was drinking tea in front of a fire place. Next I was looking out a window over the huge city. I got out of breath as I ran down the road, then gained it again as I smelt a bunch of flowers. the last thing I saw was the TV. I was watching cartoons in what looked a hell of a lot like Eleanor's flat. But how did I get into my girlfriends place so fast?

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