chapter 1

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Tori's P.O.V

Seven hours. seven hours I' ve been without my best friend. And I'll be without her for the next week. I bet your wondering what I'm talking about and why I'm without Mal (Mallory). My mom and I have recently made a big move from Boston to California. Mals mom and my mom have been bestfriends since they were little, and like us they have lived next to eachother since they could remember. But since we've moved things have changed alittle bit... OUR FAMILIES BOUGHT A HOUSE TOGETHER!

* One week later*

Mals P.O.V

   We pulled to a decent sized house and my jaw dropped "Leah! Look at this house!" I yelled to my thirteen year old sister. She was too busy with her eyes glued to her new iphone 5s. I quickly hurried into the house to see my best friend. "T! I'm home!" I yelled up the huge staircase. "Finally!" i heard my best friend yell down to me. she soon came running down the stairs but fell the rest of the way down like the clutz she is. Maisey, Toris sister came running down the stairs to greet my sister Leah who was her best friend. After a long day of unpacking me and Tori retutrned to our roms which are joined together by our bathroom and soon drifted off to sleeping dreamung about the next day ahead of us.





hey! this is my first fanfiction so i apologize. leave comments on your opinions so far!  Thanks for reading! Chapters will be longer than this. thanks again! 


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