▪︎ Five ▪︎

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Selena was first to exit her home, rushing towards the crowd that had gathered around the church.

Solomon and Sarah chased after her watching as she spoke to lizzie before rushing towards the locked church door.

Their eyes widen as they watch her bang onto the doors along with others. "Brother what has happened?" Solomon asks his younger brother , Alderman.

"The Pastor has locked a dozen of the children in the church."

"Henry." Sarah calls out rushing towards the locked doors with Solomon following after her. Selena stops hitting the door before rushing to the side of the church.

Solomon watches her before following after her. She smacks her body into the door, failing at opening the door.

"My love, let me." She stepped away from the door as he, Caleb and alderman smashed the door down.

"Keep them out." He ordered his brother, who held his arms out, keeping out the towns people. Solomon grabbed a pitchfork that was against the wall.

"Sol wait " He ignored her as he walked further into the deathly quite church.

In the middle of the isle, was a pile of something making Solomon frown in confusion. The Pastor held his head low at the stand muttering things under his breath.

"Cyrus" He called out to the man making him snap his head up. He had no eyes, just empty black sockets on his head with dried blood surrounding it.

Solomon got to the pile before his stomach dropped in disgust. He dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes. He looked around at the young children to see them lay dead without eyes.

A loud bang from the door snapped Solomon out of the state he was in. The fier twins rushed in and up to their brother, ignoring all the crying from the towns people.

Their poor sweet, innocent brother Henry. Dead without his beautiful eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes.

"Henry." They both cried out, clutching onto his dead boy making him fall to the ground.

"I can see clearly now." The Pastor called out before walking towards the fier sisters with his horse shoe picker.

The twins had no idea he was right behind them, they only focused on their little brother, hugging onto each other.

"SELENA." Solomon yelled out rushing towards the pastor. The girls looked behind them to see the pastor advance towards them. He was quickly stabbed through his side by Solomon with a pitchfork.

Sarah shrieks as the man falls to the fall but all Selena can do is stare at the man with an unrecognisable expression. Something between hate and perhaps disgust? Solomon couldn't tell, it wasn't something he ever saw on her.

While the pastor falls to the ground, his wife rushes towards him pushing past Sarah making her fall. Selena glares at the women hatefully.

"I'd watch yourself if I were you." She spat at the women, fire burning in her eyes. The women looked at the girl in shock, no one had ever heard her speak so Illy towards someone.

"Sarah, sister. Let us go." She helped the helping girl up. "Father must be notified of our dear Henry."

She walked past Solomon barely paying attention to him as she helped a crying Sarah out of the church.

Her father, who had left earlier that morning walks into before rushing over to his daughters in confusion. He had heard the screams of the towns people around him.

"My Sweet daughter." He held onto Selena's face which now held only dried tears and an angry expression. "What has happened?"

"The pastor he lost his mind, he slaughtered a dozen children in the church." His eyes widened in shock as his daughter spoke with such a hate. "Our dear Henry."

He looked towards the men who were now carrying the children out of the church before rushing towards them. He stopped by his only son, gasping at the sight. Solomon clasps onto to his shoulder trying to show a little comfort.

Solomon looks towards Selena catching onto her eyes before she turned away from him, she ushered her sister to their home before slamming the door shut.


After comforting Sarah, she walked down to their kitchen before sitting on a stool.

Tears began spilling out of her eyes as she stared at the wall. She clasps her hands together before leaning her head onto them.

The door opens making her head snap up, instead of her father, it was Solomon who walks in.

"My love." She didn't look like she was happy to see him. "Solomon, my father. Where is he?"

"He along with many of the towns men are holding a meeting in the church to discuss the events of today." She nodded as she sat down, her hand rubbing her face.

"Okay." He walked towards her with a soft smile, "I would like it if you came with me. You are to be my wife soon, it would be best to let you understand what happens during these meetings."

"Okay sol." She gives him a barely noticeable smile as he kneels down to her high, she looks at him in the eyes, she seemed to not have noticed the concerned look in his eyes. 

"And afterwards I would like it if you could come stay at my house for a little while. Where it is safe. "

"But Sarah." Solomon internally cursed Sarah's entire being. "She will be okay. Your father will be here."

"Okay." She gives him a small smile before pulling him into a gentle kiss. 

It was like an empty pit had been dropped into her heart. As if she was never going to be happy again, almost as if she knew things were going to get worse. 

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now