「 𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖. 」

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- Manga Spoilers. -

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"Boro, don't waste my time." I said as I headed out of the room, "We don't want Uchiha Sasuke to get the Hokage."
"Such a brat." He whispered.
"I heard that."

"The plan's simple. We fight and protect the Hokage." I put my elbow on the container and yawned.
"I'm aware. Let's get this over with. I want to train with Code." I replied. Suddenly, I felt four chakra natures coming towards us. I got my guard up as I realised who they belonged to, "That's not Sasuke..."
"Huh?" A black portal opened as Boruto, Kawaki, Sarada and Mitsuki came through, Dammit, "You're not Uchiha Sasuke." I quickly put on the hood before they turned around.
"Is that Jigen?" Boruto asked.
"No," Kawaki frowned, "That's Boro. In some ways, he's worse than Jigen."
"Where's Dad?!" Boruto shouted at us.
"Oh..." Boro smirked, "He's right here." He pointed at the black container.
"DAMMIT! GIVE HIM BACK!" Boruto was about to attack us when Sarada put a hand in front of him.
"Wait, Boruto! There's someone else here. We can't be reckless." Sarada said as they all looked at me.

"Is that...you?" Kawaki asked after a moment of silence. I just kept quiet, "I'm asking you a question, answer dammit!" He shouted at me.
"What are you talking about?" Mitsuki glanced at him.
"That's Y/-" I teleported in front of Kawaki and kicked him in the stomach as he went flying back and hit the rocks. Sarada glared at me and activated her Sharingan, ready to attack me. I lifted up my hood slightly and copied her. Her eyes widened as she fell to her knees in pain and clutched her hair.
"What did you do to Sarada!?" Boruto shouted as he formed a Rasengan. I grabbed his hand an inch away from me as the Rasengan just vanished, "Why did the Rasengan-" I smacked Boruto in the face as I felt Mitsuki make a move. His snakes grabbed my legs as he formed the hand signs for a wind jutsu.
"Futon-" The clone which he held down with his snakes disappeared into crows, "What the-"
"Orochimaru's lab rat," I said as I held a kunai on his neck, "...Mitsuki."

Suddenly I felt an intense pain in my head. I dropped the kunai and jumped back, making sure none of them could attack me. Kawaki and Boruto started getting up while Sarada's pain disappeared. My head. It hurts like someone is slamming it against something. I need to get out of here.
"Boro..." I said, "I'm leaving..."
"Tch. I can take these brats anyway." He said as he threw the container at them. I could feel my vision slowly blurring as I turned around and started walking away.
"You coward! Come back and fight us!" Boruto shouted. I tuned him out as a black portal formed in front of me and left.

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"Y/n." I was once again standing in the black void of nothingness except the annoying alien.
"Why am I here?"
"There's something I have to do."
"Which is?"
"I'm going to transfer the rest of myself in Boruto."
"Ah...I see."
"I'm warning you, it will hurt. At this moment my soul or my chakra is fused with yours. It will be like pulling a person apart. Are you ready for that?"
"Do I even have a choice?"
"Then let's go." I took a deep breath in, getting ready.

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"Y/n, you're awake." I heard someone say as I opened my eyes.
"What happened?" I sat up on my bed as Code put down a glass of water next to me.
"You screamed for a while and then fainted." He sighed. The previous events came rushing into my mind as I realised what happened. I never want to feel that again.
"Oh, Momoshiki transferred himself to Boruto completely..."
"I see. Well, Jigen wants to meet you immediately. It's been a day since you came back." He got up to leave the room. A whole day? What happened between Boro and the four of them?

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now