1: Let's go shopping!!

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Magenta's POV

(at the orphanage)


I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. "six in the fucking morning" I said. I looked over at my sister Minnz, "wake up!" I yelled at her from across the room. "What?!" Minnz said still laying in bed. "Time to wake up" I said as I threw myself out of bed and landed on the floor. "Fuck" I said quietly. "THATS A FUCKING BAD WORD GOD DAMNIT!" Minnz said as she began to laugh. I started to laugh as well, "I KNOW IT'S A BAD FUCKING WORD I WON'T SAY FUCK AGAIN.......WHY THE FUCK ARE WE YELLING?" I started laughing really hard now. Minnz nearly fell out of bed because she was laughing so hard. "ok, serious time." I said. Minnz agreed and got out of bed and went to the closet to get her clothes. I stood up and grabbed my phone off of my night stand and checked it to see if anyone tried to talk to me last night. "nope" I said to myself. Minnz threw my Black Veil Brides shirt at me and my black jeans. I grabbed her black converse and my black lace up boots then slide her shoes to her. "thanks" Minnz said as she put her shirt on. "mhm" I said as I put on a black tank top then my BVB shirt. "So I was thinking~" Minnz managed to say before I cut her off " that's dangerous" I said. Minnz rolled her eyes and I laughed, "ok,continue." I said. "I was thinking we should go to the mall today." Minnz said with excitement. "I don't know....maybe." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror then grabbed my stick of eyeliner. "I'll get you something..." Minnz said. I rolled my eyes "fine!" I said. Minnz smirked and grabbed her grey eyeshadow and stood next to me in the mirror. "honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us" I said and giggled. Minnz glared at me "don't quote MCR. "ok, fine." I said. Minnz grabbed my black eyeshadow and handed it to me. "thanks" I said and began to put it on. "so...what do you want to do first?" Minnz said. "eat." I said then finished my eyeshadow. I walked over to our vanity and grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my hair out. then I teased it up in the back. "what do you want to eat?" Minnz asked. "food...obviously..." I said trying not to laugh. " ......NO, I WAS GOING TO FEED YOU GRASS!" Minnz said. I started laughing and so did Minnz. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then walked out. "so, lets go get food." I said then walked to the door. "hold on!" Minnz said and ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth then came back out. "ok" she said as she flatted her shirt with her hands. "lets go" she said. I smiled then opened the door. Minnz ran out and ran down the stairs and I ran after her. "wait up, Minnz!" she ran out the door and waited for me to come. " what.....the....hell." I said out of breath. Minnz laughed and started walking, I caught up with her. "so were are we gonna go for breakfast?" Minnz said. "I don't know....wanna go get some sandwiches?" Minnz paused for a moment. "yea, sure." we walked to a Mcdonalds and got two breakfast sandwiches and milk then we left and sat on the curb watching the cars go by. "so.....what do you think is going to happen today?" Minnz asked. she asked that everyday and I said the same thing everyday too. "I don't know Minnz.... no one knows what the day holds for us...that's why we have to get up everyday and see." Minnz paused and took a deep breath. "ok.." I took a sip of my milk and threw it out into the street and checked my phone. I sighed and saw it was eight o' clock. "well...lets go somewhere." I said and got up then threw my sandwich into the parking lot for the birds. Minnz got up and did the same, then we started to walk to the nearest Walmart. " so were are we going? Minnz said. "Walmart bitch." I said and began to laugh. we walked into Walmart and immediately looked at each other "race?" I said with a smirk. Minnz nodded and we raced to the cd's in the back of the store. "I FUCKING WON!!" I yelled with excitement. I glanced around the store and saw the people staring at me in disgust. I rolled my eyes and laughed insanely then walked to the CD isle perfectly normal. Minnz stood by myside and held up a BVB album. I immediately snatched it out of her hands. "MY PRECIOUS!!" I laughed and looked at the CD. "OH! IT'S 'WE STITCH THESE WOUNDS'!!!!!! GETTING IT!!" Minnz  sighed "fine!" she yelled. we walked back to the front of the store ad checked out then we decided that we were going to go to the mall. I checked my phone to see what time it was. it was twelve already. "wow" I said. "what?" Minnz said curiously. "oh nothing" I said and we kept walking.


hope you liked the chapter :) i'll be making a new one soon! :D

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