They don't know about us...

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He has beautiful blonde hair, and dashing blue eyes. He was wearing chinos and a simple polo, wow he's perfect and I didn't even know his name. I couldn't keep my eyes of him. My friend glanced over to me and followed the gaze of my eyes. She gave a loud wolf whistle, which made me jump, and made him turn to look at us. He saw me staring his way and smiled at me. I smiled back and then walked into International. I couldnt help but notice he had followed us into the shop. I quickly turned round and grabbed my friends arm. She gave me a sharp look and then realised why I had done it. She just laughed and unlinked my arm, she skipped off around the shop leaving me stranded right by him. I looked up at him unsure what to do, he turned his head and looked at me smiling and then at last he finally spoke... "Hey, Im Niall." I couldn't believe it, his voice was so alluring. I looked at my friend and he gave me "the nod" I looked back around at Niall "Hiya, Im Lau..Lauren." He started to look at the clothes by me his hand brushed mine "Thats a beautiful name, well I suppose now I know your name I can ask you if you and your friend would like to join me in the cafe for a drink?"  I nodded at him, Im sure my mouth was wide open but I couldnt help myself. He grabbed my arm and began pulling me round the shop to my friend, as we reached her he let go. "Umm, Bell... Are you coming the cafe with me and Niall? He's invited me.. and you," I gave her the wide eyes while Niall was looking at a polo hanging up on the clothing rail. "I think Im just going to shop still, Maria is in town so I'll find her instead,but you can meet back with us later around 4ish?" I nodded as I walked out into the town. Niall's hair was flying everywhere, but he still looked perfect. I couldn't help but stare at him as we walked to the cafe. He glanced back at me "Are you okay? You look abit pale" I wasn't paying attention to what he had said so I just nodded and smiled. 

We finally reached the cafe, he ran infront of me so he could open the door, as I stept in a waft of warm air hit my face. The cafe smelt sweet. We made our way over to a table with sofas either side of it. I sat down and looked at the drinik menu, I glanced at the prices. My eyes widened at this. I heard an almost silent laugh. "Don't worry about it, I'm paying." I looked up at him, "No I can't make you do that! Have you seen the prices of them Niall! You must be mad" He shook his head, he walked over to the counter and got 2 hot chocolates. After about 5 minutes he stopped talking to the man behind the till and came back across to me with the drinks. As he sat down he began to ask me questions about myself. As I was answering them I looked him in the eyes, he seemed so... Intrested. I stopped midway through a question "Why are you so interested in my life? Its so boring I bet yours is so much better! Tell me about yourself" He laughed at me and shook his head. "You'll have to wait for that my darlin'" I laughed at him, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I pulled it out quick and read my text. "Oh god! I've missed the bus back home!" My smile soon dissapeard off my face, I was frantic I gathered all my things and I stood up, "Hey, Lauren, hey! Calm down sugar, I'll drive you back, your mum won't mind you being late will she?" My smile soon returned as I regained my postion on the sofa. "I best text her" 

Hours passed, I looked at the time... 6pm great, the days nearly over. I cant bare to leave him. He stood up and beaconed me too aswell, I grabbed my bag. Niall opened the door, as he did earlier we walked outside, it was freezing now. Bare in mind its the middle of January, Niall slipped his hand into mine and we walked to his car. He unlocked it and opened the passanger door for me. I sat down on the seat and looked at my phone. Oh no! The message never sent to my mum shes going to kill me! Oh sh!t even worse! 10 missed calls from her. I called her back in an instant, she picked up in an instant too... "Lauren Jayne! I thought you were dead, you stupid STUPID girl" Tears filled my eyes, Niall grabbed the phone out of my hand and put it to his ear. "Hello Mrs..." I mimed my mothers last name.. Conway. "Im so, SO sorry that Lauren has been delayed but I bumped into her in town, we got chatting and, well me.. I'm a very chatty person I apologize deeply. If theres anything I can do please let me know" I heard my mum sigh down the phone "Well mister, considering I know shes with a caring boy who, I suppose is willing to look after her and keep her safe she can stay chatting. But I need her home by 10pm SHARP" Niall chatted to my mum for a bit before promising me home for ten. As soon as he put the phone down I gave a big sigh of relif. Niall hit the stereo on and put it on full blast. "Kiss You One Direction" Was on. "I love this" I said over the loud music. I began to sing along... And so did Niall. He slowed down as the song was coming to an end. The car was now fully stopped, as the words "kiss you" were sang at the end Niall grabbed my face and kissed me. My belly felt so tingly. Is this the start?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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