I'm in love with Ronnie radke

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Hi my name is Olivia and I also go to high school. One of my favorite singer and he doesn't know he also owns the building and lucky for me he is my math teacher. He also doesn't do anything so we don't have no homework or test. He also has the cutest little 8 year old daughter, Willow. She is so fucking adorable and I look forward of seeing her everyday she puts a smile on my face and she's also so goofy and I love it.
And yes she does have school Ronnie isn't just some dad who doesn't put there daughter in school. She comes to work with him everyday and does her school work on her computer. Willow also is the smartest 8 year old I have ever seen. "Anyways I have to get to class" Olivia said.

I see willow and she runs up to me.

Willow: Olivia can you color with me
Olivia: umm (looks at the clock) yeah I only have a little bit of time before your dad gets in here
Willow: okay (goes gets her homework)
Olivia: (helping her with his homework)
Ronnie: (walks in) willow go back to the computer
Willow: okay daddy, thank you Olivia (goes back to the computer)

Ronnie: okay now all of you get your phones or computers and do what ever I don't really give a fuck

He goes over to willow and gives her some food and kisses her head.

Willow: thank you daddy
Ronnie: no problem (goes on his phone and scrolling through social media)

Olivia kept looking at Ronnie and he doesn't notice. Willow made a goofy face to her and Olivia laughs and he doesn't notice. He finally looks at them and see that willow is making goody faces.

Ronnie: Willow back to school now
Willow: okay, sorry (gets back to work)

Olivia keeps looking at Ronnie and bitting her pencil. Ronnie sees her and she doesn't notice and he smile and goes back onto his phone.
Now it's the end of class and the bell ringings. They all walk out.

Ronnie: wait Olivia come here, willow go to the car I will be there in a second
Willow: okay bye daddy (goes to the car)
Olivia: (walks in)
Ronnie: shut and lock the door
Olivia: okay (locks the door) what's up
Ronnie: listen willow wanted me to ask you if you want to come to my concert tonight.
Olivia: wait really oh wait I don't have any money sorry
Ronnie: it's fine I will buy you a V.I.P ticket
Olivia: wait actually I would love to thank you (about to walk out)
Ronnie: (shuts the door) and were you checking me out because you kept looking at me.
Olivia: umm n-no why would I
Ronnie: Olivia your phone wallpaper is my picture
Olivia: (looks at her phone) oh it is how did that happened it must be one of my siblings
Ronnie: Olivia, your an only child
Olivia: oh yeah I'm just stupid okay bye
Ronnie: wait (kisses her)
Olivia: (kisses back) (they look in each other's eyes for a bit)
Ronnie: umm you should get going
Olive: umm yeah I-im going to go see you later
Ronnie: umm yeah see you later

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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