Bemere & Moritun: Cooler Trails

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"Twenty days, twenty days of riding an iron back & we're only now leaving the dust bowl" Bemere moaned as he unwound the rags wrapped around his head. "The 5-day sandstorm didn't help, but thanks to good ol' Sinker here we did just fine." Moritun boasted giving the Iron Back they were riding on a good pat on its crown. Bemere let out a low sigh as he gave Moritun a pat on his shoulder being careful to not hit one of the spikes on his cactus-themed armor," I guess Sinker did help us out quite a bit. But if it wasn't for my Magics we would've gotten lost during the storm." Proclaimed as he summoned a magical glyph that gave off a soft orange light. "Oh no! Please forgive me oh powerful Maven," Moritun mocked playfully raising his hands to surrender, "Oh powerful Maven please tell me how much longer before we get to serpents bend?" Pulling one leg over the well-worn leather saddle Bemere jumped down to stretch. "Since we just met the Serpents head the bend should be a few hours travel from here but I've never left The Bowl before. Just follow the river & we should see the lights by sundown," He struggled to say stretching his backing until several loud cracks rang out. Letting out a very pleased sigh Bemere jumped up onto the Iron Backs saddle where Moritun was waiting. "You know doing that is bad for you, right? Momma always said you'd get lock joint," Moritun commented before giving Sinker a pat on his head leading him to the river to drink. "Explain to me again why you don't carry any food for your Iron back?" Bemere questioned looking at the large armor-plated beast. "Iron backs eat at night when they dig their burrows they eat the rocks & roots. we should make rest Sinker could use an early night after the sand storm. Here" He said tossing Bemere his sleeping bag. The duo took their time watching the mountain of meat and bone called Sinker wade into the water, bemere having never spent so much time with one was horrified to watch the iron back raise its bone plates from its back revealing the pink skin underneath. Shaking himself free of the horror he had just witnessed, Bemere began to focus his hands and mind. Burning orange light began to carve itself into the sunburnt dirt, circling and coming together into an intricate pattern with fluid movements on his hand Bemere used his magic to form the orange light into a small campfire. "We got a long way left to go until we get to Edomont" he said pulling out some meat cooking it over the fire. "It shouldn't be too long once we get to Serpents Bend we'll be able to ride the Steam Engines." "That'll be fun I've never ridden one of the Steam Engines before. They used to roll through to collect ore & material from the mines back home. At least before we had to close them that is." Bemere spoke with a faint sadness in his voice watching the fire crackle & glow. Sensing the shift in the air Moritun sat next to Bemere patting his friend on his back. "Don't worry man one day those Steam Engines will Thunder through your home once again. You & Me, we'll find some new friends & get better we'll restore your home to the glory it once was!" He boasted in hopes of cheering up his friend. Bemere gave a chuckle as he held up a hand which Moritun took with a smile both of them giving a good grip as they looked at each other, "We're gonna make them better than before!" He shouted in pride to match Morituns' unending enthusiasm. The two continued to chat as they ate, & before they knew it the sun hung low on the horizon & the dark of night crept across the desert. Outside the DustBowl the two of them were in uncharted waters. Eager to finally be within spitting distance of a new world to them, Bemere & Moritun laid their heads to rest under the endless sea of stars.

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