Chapter 9: You Are Unique

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After disposing of the vamp I go through his phone. I'm not stupid I know not to rush in and get killed. I need to strategize and get all of the information I can but first I need to speak to Lucas. I want the truth of what's going on and I want it like yesterday. Now how do I find the king of vamps.
"Thea I'm off" I say grabbing my jacket.
"Already this early but you haven't even eaten and lets not forget the commotion early this morning" she says concern sketched in her eyes.
"I'll explain everything later but right now I really must go its important" I say giving her a kiss on the chick and making my way to my bike. I hope on, rev up the engine and head to my destination. After trekking through the woods for some time I come out to a clearing that over looks the water. Its absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. I know I should be figuring this stuff out but I need to clear my head and this is the place to do it. I'm laid on the ground resting when I hear a noise in the woods. At first I think it's an animal but as it gets closer I know its not. I continue to lay down but prepare my body to attack. As the person gets closer I smell his cologne and recognize it. As he steps through the opening I remain facing the water but now sitting.
"And here I thought you forgot about me" I say still not turning around.
"Here I thought I was able to sneak up on anyone" he says coming closer.
"Its your scent" I say ignoring the way my body is heating up.
"My scent" he says puzzled.
"Yes you're scent I could smell it over the forest scents, its musky yet something else I smell like no other" I explain why I don't know but whatever right.
"You could smell me through all of that, you're powers are very strong" he says now standing next to where I'm sitting. I just shrug not really knowing what to say.
"So why are you out here alone its not very safe, although you could take care of yourself" he says.
"I came to clear my mind before I go looking for you. But it seems you found me" I say looking up at him.
"And why are you looking for me" he ask lowering himself next to me.
"While for one my king......" I began only to get cut off.
"How do you know that" he says with a touch of anger in his tone.
"Considering I had a visitor last night from Chris to I was able to search his mind I found out not only are these elders looking for me but they want to kill me, and that your a king, and that you've been searching for me and I want to know why" I say getting a little angrier as I go.
"First where is Christi now" he ask angry now.
"Dead" I say simply.
"Dead, you killed a vampire bounty hunter" he says skeptically.
"Yes, he came into my home while I was sleeping and tried to kill me what the hell do you expect" I say angrily.
"That's not what I mean, I just meant he was the best of the best and you killed him" he says as though he is proud.
"We've established I've killed him now onto the why you were searching for me" I say.
"Tell me everything that you saw or heard" he says.
"I saw and heard everything when I'm in the persons mind its as if I'm them" I explain.
"You are very unique" he says proudly.
I ignore his statement and proceed to tell him everything I seen and heard.
"You really are very unique and you can't even see it" he says brushing his hand across my face cause tingle through my body.
"You must listen to everything I say without interrupting" he explains and I nod my okay.
"What I'm about to tell you will change you're life" he says and my mind begans to race and my heart begans to beat faster.

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