"sebefikile abakwaZulu basemasangweni" thats my uncle uZwide he is the chief negotiator for my lobola negotiations I have been waiting for this moment for the past 9 years of my life I'm finally going to be his wife umfazi kaQuinton Mrs Zulu finally going to be Yolanda KaDlamini Zulu Mrs Him. I earned this title I have endured it all the baby mamas the cheating scandals side chicks disrespecting me konke kubuzwa kimi. I have endured and been patient with this man I have always loved him not always trusting him though, not after izigameko ezingaka we have been through alot mina naye but I never thought we would end up here after 3 baby mamas 17 breakups 2 miscarriages and 3 physical beatings and of course 1 protection order we have quite the trackrecord but I always knew ukuthi iyangithanda insizwa yakwaNongoma noma kuthiwa kunjani he always came back to me through it all.Do not get it twisted Que may have done all these things to me but I have never not once doubted his love he is a good man with slightly twisted morals and ill capacity to reason or he just cannot keep his pants up.The negotiations go on successfully or atleast I think they did. They must have charged him an arm and a leg for the amount of damage he has caused bekumele bamuhlawulise impela nje kucace ukuthi udelelile futhi umuzi wendoda lo. Today I prove a point today I prove my worth in this community that I am not going to be just one of Quinton's concubines I am his wife.I am marking my place as his one and only.Our journey may not have been a smooth one but we have made it here.
Short Storya beautiful story explaining the dynamics of modern day youth relationships and the trials and tribulations of the young couple Yolanda and Quinton.