Chapter 1: Through A Wolf's Eye Part 1

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My name Is Akima Lowbranch, I am a member of the northern Catori Pack. myself and my sisters Reena, and Rain are the daughters of the pack's omega River Where Great trout Leap. Our Father Olrick just call's her River, but to the rest of the pack she is Omega. the weakest link in the chain.

Each family has they're own inherited place among the pack, whether high class, middle class, or low class. we all hold a position essential to the pack, without even My mother the pack would suffer from disease as she is the one who cleans they're dens. My sister Reena is content to cower below those who rank higher then she, but I vowed a long time ago to never, ever, become a cowering pet of the Alpha's.

or anyone below them, Rain share's this conviction. together we are a violation of the Pack's greatest rule, respect with no question. the story I'm about to tell you is the story of my journey to greatness, but also that of My mate's. and of how no matter how hard thing's got or how much we lost, We rose where all before us had fallen, this is the story of war through a wolf's eye.

AKIMA: "GET UP OMEGA! OR ARE YOU SUCH WEAK FILTH THAT YOU CANNOT EVEN RISE TO THIS PACK'S WAKE UP CALL?!", The first thing I remember from that morning was the snarl of Our Alpha calling my mother to her sunrise dutys. as always it was the first voice to greet us in the morning.

And as always Mother was quick to scurry out of the den with her head close to the ground and her tail tucked, I watched her leave with a boiling anger in my belly. how long could Alpha expect her to survive like this?, it was a well known fact that every wolf in the pack beat her at every oportunity. and for what? existing?. the sound of My sister Rain stirring beside me pulled me from my thoughts.

Her dark blue pupils glowed brightly against they're bright green backdrop, like my own eyes of red and gray they where considered a rare color. something that seemed to interest Garth, the alpha pup. Our littermate and the runt of the litter Reena's jet black coat shimmered in the light that was beginning to show through the den, blinking rappidly to clear the sleep from her eyes our little sister sat up and yawned, ready to greet the day with her usual viger.

chocolate brown eyes glowing she smiles at us, and as always the sight of her normal appearance only serve's to remind Myself and Rain of exactly how at risk to the wrath of the pack she is. small, scrawny, and plain. Reena's image can be of nothing but that of an Omega. at the sound of rustling at our den's entrance I instinctively leap to my feet and show my fangs, I am the only member of my litter to be truely gifted with such deadly weapons. 

The sight of Garth about to enter our den, the only thing Our family has to call it's own does nothing to ease my guard. it's a well known fact that even as a pup you have to assert your domanance if you ever hope to hold rank, the respectless look that an alpha would give to his omega that Garth give's me causes My anger to sky rocket and it's all i can do not to leap for his throat.

 "One more step Garth, and your...", "what are you gonna do Omega? curl up and begg me to leave?". the sneer that accompanys Garth's snide remark is to much for Me to take, with a vicious snarl I throw myself at him with enough force that we both fly out and away from my den's door.

within minutes We're locked in a browl, and although we aren't yet considered to be old enough to duel. we still seem to be stirring quit a large crowd. and it's not long before the whole pack is circled around us waiting to see the outcome of such an 'unexpected' fight, while my consintration is else where Garth leaps onto My back and rolls me over before pinning me to the ground.

An amused snort from Alpha is all it takes to bring me back into the rage of My battle and using all the strength left in Me I dig my claws into Garth's exposed belly and throw him off, Leaping to my paws i spin three-hundred-sixty degrees to face Garth. who is still struggling to stand. snarling viciously in defiance of My so called future Alpha I charge, grabbing Garth by the ear I shake the much larger and stronger pup's head from side to side until I feel his ear rip under the pressure of My attack.

Garth staggers to his feet and turns to face Me with a murderuse look on his face, without giving him time to judge my next move I charge him again. I easily block his own unorganized movements and grab his throat forcing him to instinctively fall to his back in a submissive posture.

"YIELD!" I snarl through clinched teeth, Garth show's his own in a attempt to dimonstrate domanance. "I will never yield to an Omega!" his voice drips with malice as he to snarls through his teeth, "ENOUGH!" Alpha's voice echos around the den site with all the authority his rank allows him. "Garth! where is your honor?! and your sense?!, Omegas do not beat Alphas! Gammas can however, beat Hunters!". 

The intire pack gasp and a rush of shock shoots through me, a Gamma? was Alpha serious?! and what did he mean by 'Gammas can beat Hunters?!'. before i can even recover from the shock of Alpha's words, he speaks again. "Garth, you have two brothers that can out do you in many things, the politics of this pack are among them, do you remember why i chose you to be the next leader?".

I feel Garth tense beneath me and smell his fear scent that wafts like a curtain in the air around us, I loosen my hold on his throat just enough so that he can speak. "Be... because I was the best fighter, and... and the most likely to hold my position and keep order in the pack", he gasp while beginning to shake.

"Yes, exactly" growled Alpha with a burning look in his yellow eyes. "and yet you not only proved that you could keep no kind of order but you also allow yourself to lose to an Omega pup half your size, how do you think this would look to the rest of the pack if I did nothing to alter my apparently foolish decision?". Garth's scent was now so strong with emotion that it was beginning to assault my senses, I clamped my jaws shut in an attempt to stem the flow.

"I've made my decision" Alpha sounded almost bored, "You are no longer my heir, you will be demoted to the position of the Hunter rank pups, your brother Torix shall take your place and as for this little Omega" I tense as Alpha nodds toward me sharply. "She shall be promoted to the rank of a Gamma pup, as a little reward for her very... unexpected victory".

Alpha's attention snapped back to his son, "yield, that's an order". Garth shuddered before letting out a submissive whimper, "I yield" he whispered. satisfied I release my hold and quickly jump out of his reach, not letting my guard down until I'm certain of his departure from the ring of assembled wolves.

I bow my head respectfully as Alpha Approachs me, laying his muzzle on the crown of my head in a show of new found respect. he whispers quitly into my ear. "what is your name, Pup?", "Akima" I answer. "Akima Where Sun Touchs Sky", at that Alpha raises his head and howls. "Catori! I give you Akima! The Omega Warrior!".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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