Surviving the night (part 1)

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(Just a heads up, I was at school when I wrote this chapter. Please don't let the A/N confuse you at the end)

Mike's P.O.V

The three of us just stand there staring at the empty stage, frozen, shocked, and horrified. I was told they only move at midnight, but it's about ten minutes before twelve. So how did they move? And where in the pizzaria are they? Looks like Drake and Spring have the same question in mind.

"Spring, where are they?" Drake asks.

"How am I supposed to know? I've been away from this place the entire day!" Springtrap says. We then all take a hesitant step inside the building. I feel this uneasy feeling take over my body as we do.

"Just great! There are killer animatronics loose in the pizzaria and we don't know where they are. And no way in Hell are we looking for them. What do we do now?" Drake says. There's a short silence.

"The cameras." I hear Springtrap mumble.

"Cameras?" I ask.

"Yeah, there are security cameras all over the place. And they're all connected to the security office at the back of the pizzaria." Springtrap says.

"So, then we can search the whole pizzaria without the risk of being killed."

"That's perfect!" Drake says.

"Not exactly..." Springtrap mumbles again.

"What was that Spring?" Drake asks.

"Nothing. Come on, the more time we spend standing here the more likely the chance will be that you two will die here." Springtrap says walking towards the back of the pizzaria. I gulp and follow him, dragging Drake by the hand as I do. After a minute or two the three of us get to the security office.

"Huh, this place is kinda small don't you think?" Drake says.

"It may be small but it's our best chance of surviving the night." Springtrap says.

"So, what are these buttons for?" I ask pressing one of them. The door then shuts in front of me. I leap back and press the button again. The door opens.

"Don't touch those! The white button turns on the hallway light, but not for too long. And the button you just pressed opens and closes the door. There's a set on each side." Springtrap says.

"Why would you need a light and a door on either side of the room?" Drake asks.

"Remember, the animatronics hunt down the night guards at midnight. The light and doors are their only way of surviving." Springtrap says.

"So, they can just make their way here?" I ask shakily.

"Yeah, but keep the door shut long enough and they'll leave." Springtrap says.

"Okay. What's this tablet for?" Drake asks.

"That's the control panel for the cameras. Every camera looks at a different area. I suggest you keep a close eye on pirate cove and camera 2B." Springtrap explains.

"Why?" Drake asks.

"Foxy lives in pirate cove, and if he doesn't get the attention he wants, he'll run here and scream so loud, you'll have a heart attack. And he's fast. So if he isn't behind the curtain, and you hear footsteps, shut the door as quick as you can." Springtrap says.

Crap, this is a lot to take in. Doors, lights, cameras watching certain areas, pirate cove, camera 2B. Wait, he never told us about camera 2B. But just as I'm about to ask, Drake takes the words right out of my mouth.

"What about camera 2B?" He asks.

"Oh, right. Well...The poster on 2B. Something might happen to it. If by any chance you see a golden version of Freddy Fazbear, switch cameras and pray." Springtrap explains.

"What? Why?" Drake asks.

"Because, one of the animatronics aren't like any of the others. He's possessed by... someone that shouldn't have been killed. And if you see him, your only hope is that the 6AM bell chimes. If not, then he'll make you into one of them." Springtrap explains.

I feel my face go pale, and my cheeks go cold. I gulp again. But I shove the thought to the back of my mind.

"Oh, and one more thing..." Springtrap starts. "Everything here runs on a battery. Using the cameras, doors and lights too much will drain the power. And you don't want it to do that. Once the percentage hits zero, the entire office will go dark and the doors will open. These animatronics work well in the dark, so they'll find their way here easily. At least, Freddy will. Then, well, you probably already know what will happen next." Springtrap adds. Me and Drake stare at him blankly, horrified. I could tell, the same thoughts going through my mind, were going through his too. I put on a brave face and give him a reassuring look. He calms down a bit and shows me a smile.

"Okay, Foxy always runs down the left hallway and Bonnie likes to surprise people on this side, so I'll keep watch on the left door. Drake, you keep Chica at bay on the right door. And Mike, you keep an eye on the cameras. Tell us every move the animatronics make." Springtrap says in a commanding tone. I look down at the tablet, and then at Drake. I gulp again and nod. Drake nods along with me. Then I hear a loud sound playing from outside the office. I then check the time. Midnight. I stare at the tablet again and take a deep breath before turning it on with only one thought in my mind.

"We have to survive tonight."


Hey bunnies. Sorry for not posting. School has been a nightmare lately. Barely got any time to write. Hell, I'm in class right now trying to finish this chapter. Hopefully my teacher doesn't notice *ugh why is history so boring*. But anyway, I'll try to upload soon. Until then, have a good one.

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