"You were amazing!"

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It's barely 3 seconds since the stadium went black and Singto is already pulling Krist into his arms. They are both panting heavily, exhausted from their energetic performance and Krist can't help but lean into his Phi for a long moment, relishing the chance to hold him so close even if they are both a sweaty mess.

"That was incredible!" Singto yells, microphone turned off so he can whoop and holler all he likes, protected by the sound of their fans yelling for an encore behind them. "YOU were amazing!" He shouts again, pulling out of Krist's embrace to poke his finger into his shoulder.. poke.. poke.. poke.

Krist tries to pull up a grin, but he can tell he's failed when Singto's smile droops at the edges.

"What?" He asks, voice quieter and pitched for only Krist to hear amongst the thunder of stage hands rushing around behind them. It's nearly time for the finale. The finale that Krist knows they both have to go and change for right this second, or they'll be late.

So he ignores Singto's question and drags himself out of the loose hold his friend has on his hips and turns.

But before he can move an inch, Singto is spinning him back with one hand and gripping the back of his neck with the other. "You Were Amazing, Krist Perawat!" He says again, punctuating every word with a fierce nod of his head as his eyes bore into Krist's.

He nods weakly and then brings his hands up to rest on Singto's chest, right where the buttons should be closed to hide his deep, tan skin. He lets his fingertips stroke lightly where the scattering of chest hair has recently been waxed and then forces himself to smile at Singto.

Sometimes, Krist wishes they weren't exactly the same height. Wishes he had a second where he had to either tilt his head up, or down to look into his Phi's eyes. But he doesn't have that luxury. And Singto, well, he's the most darned intuitive guy in the whole of GMM and he's worked with Krist long enough to know him inside out. So anything he might have tried with P'Off or P'Tay won't work here.

But he tries anyway.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." He says, forcing the trademark cheeky grin his YuYu's adore. But Singto's smile drops completely and now he looks a bit like he did earlier on the stage when he was walking towards him, fully in character for their battle.

But his eyes aren't secretly smiling like they were earlier. They're just full of concern, darker than usual, more intense.

Krist gulps.

Singto lifts his hand and one fingertip strokes over Krist's scar. Singto loves to touch it in private. Says he loves the contrast of Krist's soft skin and this blemish that proves he's really human and not some alien that's been dropped from heaven to make his life hell (at least fifty percent of the time!)

"Let's go. We've gotta change. Then after? After, we're talking. Right?"

Krist nods and then twists again, his Phi's hand still resting on his hip, then sliding to the small of his back to guide him off the stage.

In the dressing room, Gunsmile grabs him and starts describing in great detail everything he loved about their performance. Everything they did differently and the way they transcended the previous day. But, although he nods in all the right places, Krist isn't listening. He's elsewhere. Still coming down from that moment. The moment when everything clicked into place.

Sensing that Krist needs a break, Singto drags him to their corner, and seeing him still in a daze, he slides his hand under the hem of Krist's shirt and starts to lift.

But when his fingers graze his skin, something snaps in Krist and he yanks himself away, "I'll do it." He says roughly, but not unkindly, and Singto just nods, used to the change in mood.

That Moment, After the Concert (A KristSingto Tale, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now