The Gates (Re-Writen)

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Y/n didn't like to talk to his brother. But could you blame him. He and his brother were polar opposites of each other. Every meetup and visitation usually led to a conflicting of interests, then to an argument and usually ending with a fight between the two.

When he and his brother had "finished" creating the universe they currently lorded over, Y/n elected to stay in The Void. This neutral world of endless black was the perfect home for a being such as himself. He enjoyed the silence, and the lack of anyone, or anything to pester him. He wasn't completely cut off from the universe he created however. As long a sin existed, he would always have his influence lingering in the dark.

However, for the last few thousand years, a build-up of sin somewhere in the universe was starting to bug him. The voices of millions of sin stricken souls called out to him from across the dark expanse of the universe, calling to him. And today was the day he would find out where, what or who it was originating from. So he went to the only being that he knows can give him a concrete answer.

His brother.

Y/n had elected not to alert his brother of his abrupt arrival, thinking that his brother would attempt to turn him away to hide his secrets. He knew his brother better than everyone, and that man was very good at lying to save his own skin. But lying is a sin, and Y/n is The Lord of all Sin.

Of all the roles a denizen of Heaven can receive, the role of Gate-Keeper was one of the most prestigious. The Holy Land was open to all those who have entered into The Lords loving embrace, but not all are accepting of his love. Those who reject the love of The Lord and reserve themselves to wallowing in Sin. A vile carnal desire that festers in the minds of mortals, and corrupts their very souls. All those who tread this path are barred from entering through into Apotheosis, and any attempt by their wayward souls to force themselves into it will result in their eradication.

This attempt at forced entry is so common in fact that The Lord created the Gate-Keeper's. Beings of immeasurable wit and clarity, with the ability to peer into ones very soul and Judge them. The act of judgement is a grueling one, and causes those who are being Judged to relive their entire life. Every memory, no matter how painful, are picked apart in a search of Sin. If none is found, the gates will open, and the soul may move on.

Not every soul can become a Gate-Keeper. Only those with the strongest of will can be blessed with their powers.

Kan-Kur was one such Gate-Keeper. He served by The Lords side during The Morningstar Revolt, and for his bravery was dubbed the first Gate-Keeper. He had accepted the honour with pride and, after a quite painful trading of power he began his work. For the past few hundred years, Kan had watched the ranks of the Gate-Keeper's flourish; and with his leadership, Sin had been exiled to The Pit where it belonged.

It was just another day. He had finished his Judgement for the day, and was simply waiting for his replacement to come by. 'The newer recruit's really need to remember what times their shifts are. It's been half an hour already.' Kan though, passing a pocket Bible between his hands. He was about to reach down to grab his briefcase resting beside him, when he noticed something.

The clouds ahead of him held a figure stood atop them. The clouds themselves had been dyed a deep black, as if this figure was corrupting them. It was only then when he attempted to return his gaze to them, that he noticed that the figure was now stood directly before them. Two deep crimson eyes glared down at him, which was surprising due to the fact that Kan himself was 12 feet tall. He instinctively reached for his sword resting beside him, when his entire body froze; a pale red aura constricting and confining his features. He wanted to tear his eyes from this mysterious being, but no matter how hard he tried he could not.

"Tsk tsk. Really? We just met and you are already trying to erase me? Too bad your futile attempt at destroying me was thwarted so easily hm?" Y/n spoke with a  condescending tone. He had arrived meer moments before, and he had already almost been attacked. He was going to enjoy this while he could.

The pure Sin that radiated off of this man chilled Kan to the bone. He had seen the souls of many dark individuals, but this mans soul resembled that of an endless maw of Sin. He would have passed out from the overburden of Sin if he was any other of The Lords children. Y/n was ready to torture the poor whelp, until his true mission crossed his mind once again.

"Listen good you pathetic creature. I am here on very important business so my previous plans for you are no longer going to occur. I could just erase you, or you can do something for me and earn your freedom." Y/n talked down to the angel.

"What are your demands?" Kan asked through clenched teeth. Kan had been a Gate-Keeper for 456 years, and didn't plan on retirement this early.

"Open the gates. It a simple request. And one that you WILL fulfill. That, or I tear them of their hinges as you watch helpless!"

The destruction of Gates to Heaven would allow the forces of sin to easily worm their way into Heaven, and cause untold amounts of damage. With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes and whispered an incantation. Moments later, the clouds beneath their feet shook as the gates thundered to life. A blinding light shone through the crack between the parting gates. Fulfilling his end of the bargain, Y/n released Kan with a simple wave of his hand. This wave also reduced Kan's sword to ash, just so the angel didn't get any funny ideas. Tearing his gaze off of Kan, and towards the opened gates where a city was no visible; he smiled to himself internally.

"Now then brother. Where are you hiding?"

Author Note:

God it feels so good to re-write this chapter. I had been putting it off for a while but now it's not just word vomit. Instead it a word landslide.

Chaos (Hazbin-Hotel and Helluva Boss X Godly Reader)  OLD CANON/DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now