oo wee oo i look just like buddy holly

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levi pov

i woke up and bruheds my really sexy hot brown hair out of my beautiful gorgeous face and got out of bed gracefully because im sexy nad hot and cool and awesome and i walked over to my bathroom to admire my hotness in my fancy mirror because im rich and live in a fucking mansion and um then i left because i had to go to school

sigh i am so hot and all the men love me because im soo sexy and they all love me but i dont love them because i like this one guy but i dont think he likes me back... he always avoids me for some reason idk why smh anyways i walked through the halls and there were like 10 guys who were staring at me because im hot but if they knew my secret they wouldnt like me anymore ... 

my secret is that um i cant touch anyone or theyll like explode or turn to dust or smth i killed my neighbours cat once and i almost got arrested, luckily i was so hot and sexy that they didnt arrest me and if everyone found out they would not like me because um people like phsyciahdlh contact in relationships or whatever anyways hugs are overrated 

i saw my hot crush standing over by his locker and decided to try to talk to him again because im hot and so is he "omg hi ranmaru" i said walking up to him "what do you want" he roespdned and he looked at me shyly because hes kawaii nya nya "oh nothing um i just wanted to talk to you haha um" i also said or smth idk "well class is abut to satrat so um i um" he said looikgind down at the ground 'what i ' i thought to myself and bfeore i could say another word he fucking ran off to class wtf i thought we were having a nice conversation;...

ranmaru pov!!

'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was a hot babe i am suchh a loser bceause um i ran off like a fucking loser and now they probalby think im weird lol <3' i thought and um ran to class or smth heopl

uh levi pov again because i cant write as ranmaru sorry heart heart

uh so i went to class really confused like a loser and more people were staring at me again bceause i am so hot and attractive and gorgeous lol!! i went to class now like a nromal person and uh did normal class stuff but the only difference is i did it 10x hotter than a normal person!! because im so  hot and attractive and sexy and gorgeous !!<33

end of chapter 1 i would like to sincerely apologize this sucks i ahve no idea how to be funny i am so srory

also levi if ur reading this ur super hot

levi x ranmaru because levmaru canonWhere stories live. Discover now