Oingo Joins a Boxing League

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As Oingo and Boingo woke up in the morning, they checked the younger of the two, Boingo's, stand, Thoth, to see what was in store for the day. Boingo opened the comic and saw a drawing of his older brother Oingo holding a trophy and $1,000. Oingo grabbed the comic from his brother's hand in order to see what he had to do win the money. He began to backtrack in the comic and saw that he had to join the local boxing league and win their upcoming tournament. This seemed easy at first, as Oingo was 6'5 and was incredibly muscular. So, the brothers set of on their adventure for the day.

As the brothers arrived at the tournament signup, they realized their victory would not be as simple as they thought. On line, right in front of them, was Mike Tyson. This completely perplexed Oingo and his brother as they were destined to win the tournament. The brothers checked Boingo's stand again and realized they had mistakenly skipped a page while reading the comic. The skipped page pictured Oingo weighing his gloves down with dumbbells and knocking Mike Tyson out in the finals. But, just to be safe, Oingo reread the entire comic to make sure he wasn't missing anything. He wasn't, all Oingo had to do put a few dumbbells in his boxing gloves and he would knock Tyson out to win $1,000.

Now, everyone was registered and it was time for the fighting to commence. The first fight pitted Oingo against a skinny kid who barely seemed to weigh over 100 pounds. Oingo won this first fight with a one punch knockout. He was on to his second match. This man was significantly larger than his previous opponent, he looked like he weighed at least 300 pounds and towered over Oingo. Oingo was absolutely terrified, he trusted deep down that his brother's prediction was correct, but that didn't stop him from becoming overwhelmed with fear. He closed his eyes and began to wildly swing at his opponent. After a solid minute, Oingo opened his eyes, and by some miracle had knocked out his second opponent. He was estatic and filled with confidence in his brother's stand and his ability to defeat whoever his final opponent would be. With little surprise, that confidence melted away when he realized the inevitability of who his next and last opponent would be.

As Oingo faced Tyson in the ring, he tried his best to muster enough confidence. He was unable to convince himself that he could defeat Tyson, but after seeing the hopeful look in his brother's eyes, his faith in himself and his brother skyrocketed. He knew that no matter what it took, he will win. Oingo began the match with a strong right hook, but unbeknownst to him, he had already been punched in the gut. Tyson continued this with a meaty jab to knock Oingo out cold. As his consciousness faded, he was filled with anger at what Tyson had done. Oingo couldn't believe that this man had defeated his brother's stand with what seemed like little to no effort. As his anger peaked, Oingo lost consciousness.

A few minutes later, as he regained consciousness, Oingo left the ring defeated. But, as he and his brother were heading home, they saw Mike Tyson on the street. As Oingo realized who it was, he decided he couldn't let this man get away with what he did. He went up to Tyson, sucker punched him, then kicked him in the crotch. As Tyson collapsed, Oingo realized that his brother's stand has not yet been defeated. He stole the trophy and money from Tyson, thus fulfilling the stand's prophecy. With their goal completed, the brothers returned home satisfied with another day's .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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