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One morning you were walking down the hallway, looking for music room #3. You kept on walking until you saw it, you opened the door and rose petals flew out of the door then a group of boys said "welcome princess...". Two twins with auburn hair said in unison "oh... It's just a boy" then a cute little boy went towards you saying " hello there do you want to eat some cake with me?" Then a tall blonde guy went towards you saying " hello there! What brings you here sir?" You ignored him then looked at the boy with brown hair and eyes.
Your POV
I have no time for this I still need to find one-chan here until I saw a boy with brown eyes and hair, he was just standing there looking at us. I walked towards him ignoring all those boys then I realized that he... I mean she is my one-chan. I ran towards her and hugged her so tightly while she was shocked because I immediately hugged her. "Haruhi! I really missed you!!!" I said while the tall blonde was shouting " daddy can't accept other men's hugging my cute little angel" " um... Anyways who are you?" Haruhi asked while the other boys were having dark aurora around them except for those 2 guys with black hair the other one has glasses. I let Haruhi one-chan see my bell necklace until she remembers me " oh (Y/N)! I missed you! Are you going to stay in our house again just like the old days?" Haruhi one-chan said. "What!!? But that's a boy!!! Daddy won't allow this to happen!!!" The tall blonde guy said " don't get the wrong idea that (Y/N) is a boy (Y/N) is a girl and she's my cousin" Haruhi said blankly " oh why didn't you tell me anyways my name is Tamaki Suoh pleased to meet you princess" he said while he kisses your hand" " oh... I'm Hikaru Hitachiin and this is my brother Kaoru Hitachiin and we are the Hitachiin brothers!! Pleased to meet you" the twins said  then the little cute boy with blonde hair went towards you saying "hello there I know I haven't introduced myself yet so anyways my name is Mitsukini Haninozuka, you could call me Honey if you want" then honey pointed to the guy with black hair saying " this is Takashi Morinozuka" " pleased to meet you" Takashi said in no expression. Then the guy with glasses said " and I am Kyoya Ootori pleased to meet you". " oh my name is (Y/N) (L/N) pleased to meet you" I said while smiling. " so you cut your hair too?" The twins asked in unison. "Eh of course not" I said and took of my jacket and wig. My (H/L) (H/C) falls down then all of the boys looked at my bell necklace then shouted " THAT BELL!!" All of the boys were shocked but why? Then I remembered I still have something to do so I said "uh.. Anyways I got to go, I still have something to do so bye see you tomorrow I guess" I opened the door and ran as fast as I can. Why we're they shocked to see my bell necklace is it familiar to them or something?
Kaoru's POV
That bell it looks so familiar but we're have I seen it. I asked Hikaru if (Y/N)'s bell necklace looks familiar to him he responded " of course and because she was our friend back when we were elementary" oh that girl she was always so nice to us but then after a few days she didn't came to school anymore I always wondered what happened. " so you were her friend back then too huh" honey said " eh don't tell me your her friend too!!" Hikaru said. " yes she was my friend back then by the way how did you guys became friends?" Honey asked and then Hikaru begins to say it while everyone was listening except for Haruhi. Haruhi just left just to go home and do her homework.

Hikaru's POV
Me and Kaoru was playing video games until we heard a cry and shouting. We went to there only to see 2 girls same age as us were playing with (Y/N)'s bell necklace while (Y/N) was crying and begging to give it back to her. We went to help her and we succeeded. We gave her bell necklace back and said " you need to keep your necklace or else they'll try and get it again" " t-thank y-you what are your names" she said " first tell us which of us is Hikaru and which of us is Kaoru" Kaoru said then she pointed at Hikaru at the left side and she pointed at Kaoru who is at the right side and said " Hikaru is at the left and Kaoru is at the right" " wrong!! We won't tell our names then" we said in unison "hey I'm right now can you tell me your names I'll tell mine" she said "how did you know who is who" we both asked " its a secret for now I'll tell you when were older" she said smiling. " alright I'm Hikaru Hitachiin" I said "and I'm Kaoru Hitachiin" Kaoru said " oh nice names my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" she said then until that day she kept on talking to us even though we ignore her but later on we became best friends but one day she didn't come to school so we though she was just absent then it's been months and she still hasn't come back to school yet so we were worried until our teacher said that she already transferred to another school. She never even said goodbye to us.
"Oh so that's how you became friends" honey said while smiling "actually she was my friend back then too" Kyoya said " me too " Tamaki said "so it's like the whole host club was her childhood friend" Kaoru said  " so honey Senpai you never told us yet how did you became friends with her" Hikaru said " oh yeah okay here it goes...." Honey said
I was walking down the corridor happily until I bumped into (Y/N). "Ouch.." She said while her hand was in her head then she looked at me and said "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking to we're I was walking I'm really so sorry!" "It's okay. I'm sorry too" I said " hehe oh do you want to eat some cake with me?" She said " are you sure?!" I asked " yep it's my sorry gift" she said "okay! Oh by the way my name is Mitsukini Haninozuka" I said "my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" she said then we went to go buy a cake. Until that day we became best friends we eat cakes always and we always chat about school. Mori was (Y/N)'s friend too because Mori was always with us.  We always meet at the garden because it's really beautiful there.She always wears that bell necklace, she never takes it off then until one day she didn't appear anymore she didn't came to our meeting place. It has been 1 month already and she's still absent I was worried for her so I asked her teacher to why she was absent the teacher told me that she already transferred to another school. I got sad because we never got a chance to say goodbye to each other.
"Oh look it's getting late we better clean up already" Tamaki said " let's continue our story tomorrow. Tamaki Senpai your next to tell us your story" the twins said in unison " eh? Why me!" Tamaki whined. "Because your our president in the host club and your the first one wants to go home" the twins said in unison. " fine okay tomorrow" Tamaki said then everyone cleaned up and left music room #3.

I hoped you liked my story and I don't own any of the characters in Ouran highschool okay and thank you for reading bye bye see you :3

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