Chapter 5- Battle on the Rooftops

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When the timer reached zero, the two teams immediately began moving into their positions, and it was easy for everyone watching to see why these were the best trainees on campus. It wasn't just about being good at using their abilities, but also the ability to communicate and move in step with each other as a team.

On the west side of the rooftops, Yena and Yujin could be seen quickly making their way across the buildings, not even slowing down at areas where they needed to jump across.

"Okay, hold here." Yena says as the two approach the highlighted line marked in the air in front of them that represented the halfway point of the arena.

"So, we just need to get their flag across here? Seems easy enough." Yujin replies confidently.

"Uh, you may want to take a closer look." Yena says, pulling the younger girl to the edge of the building revealing a very wide gap, double the distance of the ones they were jumping across casually earlier. Down below, they could see holographic people milling around and driving in their cars to add to the realism, and from the looks of it, they were probably a very real twenty-five stories high.

"Oh...that's a far drop..."

"Yeah, we're going to need a better way across." Yena concurs.

Just when they were going to consider actually jumping, the two hear a noise and duck for cover. It was Hyewon and Minjoo. Yena and Yujin quietly observe as Hyewon shoots rays of ice across the gap, building a bridge.

"Bingo..." Yena whispers. She and Yujin wait for their opponents to make their way across before making their move.

"You sure you know how to walk on that properly? Minjoo seemed to have a tough time." Yujin warns.

Instead, the duck kept bragging to the puppy that she was a pro in walking on ice, but after slipping two more times, Yujin couldn't hold her laughter anymore and teased the older girl.

"Yah, you always do end up eating your words!" She says between laughs.

"I'd like to see you do better!" Yena argues back. Yujin smirks, takes a deep breath and steps onto the ice bridge, walking on it perfectly.

"Wait, what? How?" Yena asks. Yujin turns around with a smile before responding.

"Ice is water, Yena-unnie. I could even run if I wanted."

"That's unfair!" Yena says as she stands up, only to slip again, causing a crack in the ice, much to Yujin's dismay.

"Yah, stop fooling around! Let's get out of here!" She yells as the cracks begin to spread. The younger girl takes Yena's hand and pulls her along as the bridge begins to shatter behind them, barely making it across in time.

" how are we getting the flag across?" Yujin asks exasperatedly.

"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." Yena says with a joking tone and continues moving forward. Yujin could only sigh and follow.


After making it across a couple more buildings, the two girls slow down as the wind blowing around them began to pick up.

"Jeez, I know we're on the top of buildings, but this is getting a bit too realistic!" Yujin complains looking up at the sky towards where the trainers were watching.

"Uh, Yujin, I don't think that's them..." Yena says as a figure begins to float up in front of them.

"C'mon, young one, haven't you learned from the last time?" Gaeun chides before whipping a mini-tornado towards them. Yena just manages to dodge it, but Yujin was thrown back, landing right next to the building's edge.

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