「 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜. 」

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I walked down the lively streets, observing the people around me. Konoha is same as ever. I put my hands in the pocket as a small girl smiled at me. I just got back from a long mission and I'm tired as fuck. My eyes darted to the Burger shop as I quickly headed there. I ordered my usual and sat down to eat when I felt a familiar chakra walking towards me.
"It's been a year since I saw you and the first thing you do is eat a burger." She sighed as she put her hand on her hip.
"Sorry for feeling hungry," I replied with my mouth full. Her face twisted in disgust.
"Don't talk with your mouth full." She sat across the booth and rested her face on her hand, "Anway, where are they?"
"They had something to do." I took another bite of my burger.
"Mama has been going crazy, there's so much paperwork already and over that she has to run the hospital." She huffed.
"They'll be heading back in a week, tell her to hang in there."
"Hmm, " She hummed in response, "I came to tell you that she summoned you but I thought I'd let you finish your burger first." I chewed the last bite as I got up to leave.
"Okay, see you later." I walked away from her.
"Not even a thank you, hmm."

I knocked on the familiar door as I heard a response from the other side, "Come in!" I entered the room and saw piles of paperwork, just like she had mentioned, "You're back!"
"Hai, Hokage-sama."
"Please don't call me that."
"But...you are Hokage."
"I'm just standing in for Naruto until he comes back."
"Anway, Dad said he'll take another week." I put down a scroll on her table.
"Thank you, I got his message this morning." She smiled at me, "You must be tired, why don't you surprise Hinata and Hima? They don't know you're back as you, for some reason, are suppressing your chakra."
"Dad asked me to so the enemy doesn't find me." I turned around and walked towards the door.
"Hey," She called out. I just turned my head slightly towards her as my hand was still on the doorknob, "It's good to have you home, Boruto."
"It's good to be back home, Sakura-Obasan."

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I stopped in front of the gate, looking at the house I grew up in. Here I go. I opened the door as I heard shuffling from the living room.
"Tadaima." I closed the door behind me. I walked into the living room as their expression changed from confused to surprised.
"Boruto?!" They shouted. Hima ran towards me and hugged me tightly.
"Okaeri, Boruto." Oka-San said as she smiled at me, "I didn't know you were coming home." I patted Hima's head.
"Dad just informed Hokage-sama. They'll be back in a week."
"Oh...well you must be hungry, I'll make you something," Mom was about to go into the kitchen when I stopped her.
"I already ate, I'm going to go to bed now." I turned around and headed to my bedroom.
"It's just seven." Mom said.
"It was a long journey."
"Nii-san..." Hima said sadly. I stopped walking and looked at her.
"You've grown, Hima." I gave her a small smile and headed upstairs.

I laid on my bed and removed the glove from my right hand. Karma... I put my hand down and stared at the ceiling not realising someone knocked on my door.
"Nii-san?" I saw the silhouette of Hima as she opened the door.
"Hima? Yes?"
"Um..." She fiddled with something in her hand, "I made this for you." She showed me a bracelet with a blue stone in the middle.
"Thanks. It looks really pretty." I got my hand out for her to tie it around.
"I'll leave now, sorry to disturb you." She said as she closed the door to my room. I walked to my table and opened my drawer. I took off the bracelet and put it inside as I went and laid on the bed again.

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I suddenly sat up on my bed, gasping for air. Dammit, It happened again. I looked at my hand and saw my Karma had activated. The marks advanced from my palm to my eye as it glowed a soft blue. From the corner of my eyes, a hawk sat on my window. I deactivated my Karma and went to freshen up.
I wore my white shirt and black jacket with red stripes going around the middle of the sleeve. I headed downstairs as I heard my mom call my name.
"Breakfast is ready, Boruto!"
"I have to leave, sorry."
"Wait, Boru-" I closed the door before she could finish. I teleported in front of the office as I heard a lot of voices from the other side.
"I'm not going on a mission with that Bo-" I entered the room as all eyes were on me.
"Good to know you're the same as ever, Mitsuki." I ignored his glare and face the Hokage, "You summoned me?"
"Yes, I did." Sakura-san sighed, "Three of you will be going on a mission together."
"Three of us?" I raised an eyebrow.
"She should be here any minute now." The door opened as my other teammate entered, "You three are a squad."
"Hokage-sama I won't be in the same team as-"
"I don't want to hear it, Mitsuki." She closed her eyes, "Sarada, I want you to keep an eye on them."
"I have no problem with being in the same team as him," I said. He tch'd, "He decides to stick to the past, it's not my problem." I bluntly replied.
"Both of you!" Sarada scolded, "It's been ages since that happened. Grow up!"
"Anway, Sarada is the captain. We found traces of Kara in a couple of dimensions, Sasuke has been assigned to one of them."
"When are we leaving?"
"In an hour, the coordinates are written in the scroll." She handed it to Sarada.
"Hai." We replied.
"You're dismissed...except Boruto."

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I teleported to the usual spot as the sun was about to set. The view from the Hokage mountain was always breathtaking. I walked closer to the edge as a man came into view.
"Sasuke-San." I called out, "Hokage-sama said you wanted to see me."
"Boruto," He said without turning around, "I heard you were back, just wanted to check up on you."
"I'm good," I stood next to him, "You?"
"I'm okay. You disappeared without telling anyone."
"I had to. Anyway, did you find anything?" He glanced at me.
"By the time I reached, they had left long ago."
"I see..." I got my Katana out and tied my headband around my head, "Well I have a mission."
"The other Kara hideout?"
"Yes," I walked to the edge and wore my cape, "We're going to find Y/n and bring her back."

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She walked through the well-lit hallway as her cape blew in the wind. Her sandals made a click sound on the marble floor as it echoed through the castle. She reached the huge double doors and opened them as the morning light touched her skin. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, inhaling the fresh air. Suddenly, she felt someone jump on her back.
"Y/n!!!" He grinned. She sighed.
"Hey, where's your sister?" She asked the nine-year-old boy on her back.
"She's coming." A voice said from behind her, "Do you want tea?"
"Good morning, Code. Yes, I'll have some," He put three cups on the table and filled them with fresh hot tea.
"We'll discuss the plans once she's here." He handed me a cup. We turned towards the door as she opened it.
"Good morning,"
"Daemon, leave the poor girl alone. Code's here, trouble him instead," She said to the boy. He laughed and jumped onto Code's back.
"Thanks, Eida," Y/n replied as she remembers the day she met her.

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"Eida?" I asked Code, "Boro disobeyed Jigen's orders?"
"Yes, he did. God knows what he was plotting but it's just asking for trouble." We turned left to the lab as a huge container came into view.
"Hey wait up!" The small man behind us, called Bug, said, "Do you even know of her abilities?"
"She who knows everything in the world? That's what I've heard." Code replied.
"I don't know what you plan to do with her and I don't want to know." Bug answered. Our heads snapped to the container as we saw it rip open. A girl with long blue hair came out of the box. She glanced at me and Code before walking away.
"Good morning Eida, sorry to wake you up. I am Code and this is Y/n." He pointed at me. She just ignored us and kept walking.
A long belt-like strap wrapped on Eida's body as a claw came through it. That's Code's power. He can mark places anywhere in the world and can teleport through them like a portal. Very similar to Yondaime's flying Raijin Jutsu but more efficient...
"Hold up, not even a Hello?" Code asked the girl as he put his thumb on the button on his palm, "I'll dispose of you, as per Jigens order."
"Go ahead and try." She turned her head slightly towards us. What's this strange feeling? Code couldn't get himself to press the button, "Sorry Code, Y/n. I wasn't trying to ignore you. I just thought I had bad breath after sleeping for so long." She put her hand on her hip.
"Why can't I press the button?" Code asked.
"Honestly answer this, both of you." She started, "Do you like me?" The question caught us both off guard. I pursed my lips deciding if I do or not.
"Yes." I finally answered as Code did too.
"It's one of my powers. You will fall for me no matter who you are." She then turned to the small man on her right as he flinched back, "Bug, prepare the bar. We have some things to talk about."

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"Anyway," Code started, "Our plan is to go back to one of the hideouts. There is something we need from there." He took a sip of his tea, "Eida any news?"
"There is still no sign of The Hokage, Kawaki and Boruto...I should be able to sense them with my Senrigan." She replied, frustrated.
"They can't hide forever." He responded.
"Code..." Y/n stared at the red-haired man, "It's been three years, when are we going to make a move?"
"Don't worry...we will...soon."

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A/n - From here on out is my storyline. There will be mentions of the latest chapters like Eida and Daemon but mostly will be my work. Sakura is just temporary and not an official Hokage.

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now