As Long As You Love Me

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My FAVOURITE pick-up line

I put As Long As You Love Me- Backstreet boys cuz it has to be 1 of my fav songs :) i've known this song for my entire life :P

(Me and my close guy friend were texting each other being all cute and when I said this pick-up line what he said next really made me feel touched)

Begin the short convo... now~!!!!!


Girl: how many letters are in the alphabet?

Boy: 26 I think?

Girl: I thought there was 21.
I must've forgotten some letters
U R A... Q T ☺

Boy: I love you
U r too

Girl: OMG

Boy: ?

Girl: I think I wanna cry

Boy: sorry

Girl: it fine it's just...
That was the first time ever that u actually said I LOVE YOU properly

Boy: ikr it took me awhile

Girl: I love you, too

Boy: 💑 you touched my heart when you said that

Girl: exactly how I felt when u said the same thing

Boy: haha 😊

Girl: okay NOW I can't believe my life

Boy: same here

Girl: after what u just said I now know how special u r 2 me

Boy: U r very special, ur in my heart

Girl: U young man r 1 of a kind 😊

Boy: 😊☺

///a couple more"awwww's" here and there. something about feeling protected when u hug me and now it's time to sleep\\\

Boy: goodnight ------, sweet dreams 😚

Girl: night ---------, sweet dreams 😘


THE END~!!!!!!!!

(That was exactly what happened my... guy friend has changed my life sooo much that's y this year is special to me. BTW we want to date but can't cuz of my mum so we r just close friends... for now)

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