Bhagvan Indra aur Jatasur

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Jatasur was causing Havoc on all Worlds with Vritira and Indra needed to do something after his followers have called him for help.

Lord Indra took from the heavens and attacked down the lane and confronted Jata Sura.

Jata Sura announced that he will kill Indra and take over the heavens and made fun of Indra and his War Elephant too atop that and Indra ageed to a Battle.

Jata Sura attacked Indra with Fire and Thunder and hurled him backwards and he fell off the ground and Jata Sura attacked again.

Indra and Jata Sura battled each other for days and nights and weeks and months and years until one day indra called a lightning so big it hurled back and killed Jata Sura and Vritra hurled.

Vritra gulped all waters from earth and left a land so barren that people died in India or Bhratavarsha the very land he and the gods made.

Indra and Agni and Varuna Dev went out in search and after searching for days and losing many more followers we came across Vritra and I called him out to release the waters he engulfed in himself.

Vritra disagreed and I called out for a fight.

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