Chapter 1

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"Hello! Is anyone there!?"

"Bloom is that you!?"


"Yeah! Over here!"

"Where? I can't see anything!"

"Aisha, Bloom is that you guys!?"


"Ow! I realise we are in the dark but could you please watch where you are going!"

"You're a light fairy Stella, or did you forget?"

"Haha Musa, I'm trying. Give me a minute."

The light flickered and the girls found that they had been placed in a large cell with stone floors, no windows, and only a small door at the end of the room.

"Where are we?"

"Under the school presumably, it looks a little like where headmistress Dowling trapped Rosalind."

"It is much further down than that."

The girls yelped as the voice echoed around the walls and a figure walked up towards their bars.

"Irony is such a strong suit of hers, don't you think?"

A blue light flickered and the figures face was shown.

"Miss Dowling!"

"You're ok!"

A small smile twitch at the headmistress' lips as her students ran forward to the bars that separated them.

"Are any of you hurt?"

She looked them over trying to see if there were any obvious signs of injury or harm.

"No, we're ok."

"Are you, you've been gone for weeks?"

The mind fairy nodded her head as the girls took in her appearance. She looked tired, as though she could drop to the ground any minute and had bags under her eyes, her usually immaculate clothing looked dishevelled and dirty, and her neat hairstyle had fallen out, leaving strands of hair hanging around her face. When she spoke her voice was quiet, as though she hadn't used it for a while.

"I'm fine, although I must admit that it is nice to see someone. No one has been in here while I have."

"How are we going to get out of here Miss Dowling?"

The headmistress' face fell as she looked over each of the girls.

"I am not sure. This place weakens any magical being brought in here so that they can only use basic magic such as creating a small light.

She gestured to her own magic then Stella's.

"And there's nothing around to help us escape the human way."

"Don't say that Bloom, I'm sure there's something."

"Like what Terra? Personally I think Bloom is right, there's nothing to help us escape."

"Guys I think..."

"We all just need to think rationally."

"Guys we..."

"Think rationally, sure. Well, there's a psychotic bitch who manipulated Bloom in charge of the school."


"Not only that but we are now stuck underground in a weird stone room thing in a cage next to our headmistress who is now our ex headmistress and is also in a cage."

"Speaking of..."

"No one knows we are down here and..."

"Shut up!"

The girls fell quiet and looked over at their empath friend, who gestured to the aforementioned headmistress.

"Miss Dowling?"

The mind fairy was standing completely still, as though she were frozen to the spot. Her eyes had a white-blue tinge to them and she was staring towards the exit, seemingly oblivious to them. The empath reached a hand through the bars and was able to tap the woman on her shoulder.

"Miss Dowling?"

Almost immediately, the whitish tinge to the womans eyes faded and she shook her head lightly before turning to look at them.

"Someone is on their way. I'm afraid that I am not certain how long they will be but help is coming."

"How do you know?"

"I was told, someone contacted me using some strong magic."

"Is that what...

Bloom waving her hand infront of her face.

"This was?"

"Yes, that was what this..."

"The headmistress copied the movement the fairy had made.


"So we just need to wait."

"It's all we can do for the time being."

The group sat in silence for a minute before Bloom spoke up.

"What was it like when you were at school Miss Dowling? I mean, the good things, not bad things."

"Do you have any stories about my dad?"

The mind fairy opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted as the door to the exit creaked and a mans voice was heard.

"Of course she does but I'm not sure it's time to hear them."

The door opened further and a tall figure stepped through. A small gasp escaped the headmistress' lips as she took in her old friend.


"Miss me Farah?"

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