Chapter 1

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With two coffees in her hand, Liv casually entered the same old precinct that she had been going to everyday for the past 16 years. She walked into the elevator in which she had ridden over a hundred times, but she still hadn't gotten used to riding it without her old partner. Though Elliot was old news to her, she would often sit in her office and remember all the times they had together.

She entered the squad room, greeting her fellow detectives just like every morning.

"Morning," Liv said as she dropped a coffee on Nick's desk.

"What do I owe you?" Nick asked
as he continued to type on his computer.

"A day-free of you being a pain in the ass," she remarked, "Fin, where's Amanda?" She questioned as she sat her stuff down.

"She went to a high school in Queens to get more information on Jackson Brooks, the suspect in the rape case." Fin responded.

"No one went with her?" Liv questioned, seemingly surprised.

"I've been here all morning. I had to finish my paperwork from yesterday." Nick calmly stated.

"And I'm not a morning person," Fin remarked.

Just as Liv chuckled in return, Amanda walked in with papers in her hand.

"Any info on Brooks?" Nick asked, who seemed to had just gotten done with his paperwork.

"All the teachers I spoke to said that he's more of a trouble maker. He doesn't do his work, skips class, and gets in trouble," Amanda stated.

"So just your average teenage boy," Liv replied.

"That's what it seems like. However, they did give me a name of a good friend of his. They said that the two boys are always together messing around. The principal gave me his home address to talk to him and his parents about Brooks," Amanda said.

"What's the name of the friend?" Fin asked, grabbing his keys.

"Dickie Stabler," Amanda slowly said, realizing who it was.

The squad room went silent. Liv didn't move a muscle, and it seemed as if no one else did either. She looked around, and sure enough, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"Nick and I got this one. We'll let you know how it goes," Fin quickly stated, trying to end the silence.

"No, no I got it. I'll take Nick," Liv replied with a sign of toughness. She was surely nervous, but she didn't want to show it.

"Fine by me. After all those years, Stabler and I never got along anyways," Fin said, trying to lighten up the mood. Liv ignored it, though she knew it was the truth.

"You sure?" Nick asked Liv, seeming concerned.

Liv looked down and nodded. She was as sure as ever, but she was well aware that this was for work. She would simply ask Dickie the questions and leave, she tried to promise herself that she would not get caught up with Elliot. He left her, and he didn't come back. She told herself a million times that they were just partners, even if she didn't want to believe it at the time. Liv grabbed her jacket, and nodded to Nick, making it aware that she was ready to go. He looked at Fin and Amanda, and then slowly walked out right behind her.

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