ʚїɞ │Bad Idea Twenty-Three

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Song: Gangsta

By: Kehlani

Dedicated to: Kailey and Jenni. Miss you girlies.

 Miss you girlies

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Today has been a good day

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Today has been a good day.

We just won a game and now we're celebrating at a teammate's house.

Winning parties always are the craziest. They can also be very annoying considering every person is trying to congratulate you.

Malia is holding onto my arm as we walk around the house. There hasn't been one person—well most girls—who haven't glanced down at Malia's arm around me.

My fingers itch to grab her and kiss those beautiful red-stained lips of hers. I want to show everyone that she is my girlfriend and they all need to fuck off.

Cut it off, she isn't your girlfriend

I'm getting ahead of myself, I know, it's the adrenaline from winning the game.

Mark comes up behind us and wraps an arm around Malia, pretending to choke her. She lets go of my arm, making me miss her touch, and pushes him away.

"You guys want to play beer pong?" Mark laughed and tried to poke Malia on the shoulder to which she smacks him on the chest, "You'll be playing against myself and this girl I'm trying to take home." He winked at us and Malia calls him a disgusting asshole.

"Yeah, sure, why not? We'll win anyway..." Malia trailed off walking to the backyard. Both Mark and I followed behind her.

And we won, alright, we also got tipsy from how good Mark's girl was playing. She plays tennis which means she has a good arm. I'm surprised we didn't lose but Mark always sucked at beer pong so I'm not that surprised.

Malia and I are joking about Mark missing tons of times when Easton comes up to us.

He gives me a curt nod before turning to Malia, "I have a room for us."

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