ʚїɞ │Bad Idea Twenty-Five

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Song: Dusk Till Dawn

By: Zayn and Sia

Dedicated to: My certified lover girl, Andrea.

Dedicated to: My certified lover girl, Andrea

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This has to be the most awkward double date in history

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This has to be the most awkward double date in history.

The sound of our utensils hitting the plates fills our silence. None of us seem to be interested in starting a coversation. Well, except Jianna who is oblivious to the cheating couple sitting next to us. She tries once in a while to bring up a subject but we always keep it small answers.

It's times like these that make me wish I was home. That must say a lot too considering how much I hate being at home. Especially with my mama and papa there.

Also, it doesn't help when Malia gets jealous every time she sees Easton with Jianna. She keeps fidgeting and clenching the sides of her chair. I try to distract her with some small talk once in a while, this is to keep her from going crazy on the couple in front of us.

Who's stupid idea was this again?

Once we split the check-in half between Easton and me, we all quickly headed our way out. Malia had protested at first about how she could pay for her own. I had to remind her that in most relationships, especially on a date, ninety-nine percent of males pay. So, of course, she cursed at me for being smart but let me pay in the end.

In the parking lot we said our goodbyes and it was no secret everybody was happy to have this double date done with.

"God, that was fucking dreadful." I lowly chuckled and Malia pulls off her seatbelt, "Yes, yes it was. Can we never do it again please?" I nodded my head in agreement and we got out of the car.

I decided to take the impala since we were on the rich side of Morhills. If I had taken my impala there is no doubt they wouldn't have let me in the restaurant.

The same restaurant Malia works at during the holidays.

Malia stood in front of each other and she held out her hand for me to shake. I looked at her weirdly but slipped my hand into hers.

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