Okay so this is the first chapter of my secound story on this!!! :D please tell me what you think about it xxxx thankyou for reading!! enjoy!!!! xxxxxxx
(Ellie's P.O.V)
"Oh my god, no, no, nooo, I seriously am not wearing this to Nathan Andersons house party lacy! I love you but I am not going to go to NATHAN ANDERSONS house party looking like a flipping hooker!" I practically screamed at one of my best friends Lacy. I love her to bits but seriously sometimes I wish I was just having a movie day in my trackies and comfy SpongeBob top with Rosy instead of being out getting dragged all over town for 6hours with my ,according to Rosy, 'popular sweet-cheeked bestos'. I mean at home I could be eating nutella whiles laughing at horror movies whiles Rosy is crapping her pants.. hopefully not near the nutella... I wouldn't want that getting mixed up now would I...
"Come on Ellie! Nathan is like the most popular guy in school... scrap that, the whole town! Plus you're like brother and sister with him so why so nervous? ALSO Logan is going to be there! This could be your chance to wooah him over with your fit ass!" Lacy exclaimed making me roll my eyes, seriously sometimes this girl doesn't know the difference between looking hot and looking like you forgot to finish dressing.
"Yeah though Lac [ pronounced Lais] ... I would prefer to have my 'fit ass' inside of the dress thank you very much!" I said slightly going over the top with the 'inside of the dress' part. The dress that Lacy had got me to try on was a bright blue tube dress that was just covering my ass and showed way too much cleavage.
"UGGHHH, alright then try this one on," she replied shoving another dress in my face for me to try on.
After another hour of trying on dresses I finally found one that was perfect, it had a tight peach sleeveless top which was cut off at my waist by a black belt where underneath it flare out in to little layers of a pale pink fabric down to my knees.
" WOW, El, baby you look amazing!" Lacy exclaimed jumping up and down clapping her hands.
"Aww thanks," I said, smiling at her through the mirror. I quickly took a picture of me in the dress and sent it to Rosy before changing back into my skinny jeans and 'hug me' top and paying for my dress.
Rosy: wow looking good smelly Ellie, have fun tonight xx Rosy replied as I was walking out of the shop.
- Thanks hun will do, wish you could come though! xxxxx I replied back almost instantly.
Rosy: You know how I feel about parties! I would get lost and urrgghh xxx
- haha okay hunny but I'm going to get you to come to one with me one day! xxxxx
Rosy: Haha yeah one day maybe xx
- yes defiantly, now sorry I've got to go Lacy is running over to Elliot and Jordan so see you later xxxxx
Rosy: Yeah see you later xxx
With that I put my phone in my pocket and went over to Lacy, Elliot and Jordan, Elliot and Jordan are in our baseball team at school meaning they are in the popular crowd. Elliot has short dark brown hair that was styled into the 'I just got out of bed and I'm still hotter than you' look and he had bright blue eyes any girl could get lost in whiles Jordan had blond hair that when just past his ears with his fringe nearly covering his eyes in a 'I don't care what my hair looks like though I spend more time than most girls in the mornings getting it to look like this' style, he had dark brown eyes with a slight twinkle to them.

Braking the Boundaries
Teen FictionEllie and Rosy have been best friends since they were 3years old, but no one understands why they still are now, it's their second to final year of secondary school and Ellie is one of the populars whiles Rosy is more of a dorky girl, but still they...