Can I Kiss Your Lips?

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It's been three months since Arthit stumbled into Kongpob in the cinema. Three months since Kongpob rescued Arthit from Namtarn having a hissy fit and being rude to him.

Three months of cinema trips and coffee catch-ups (pink milk for Arthit), casual meet-ups in the park by Arthit's dorm and weekly late night phone calls.

Three months of a type of torture that Arthit never thought he'd experience.

Three months of Kongpob being the most perfect gentleman and friend. Aware of Arthit's anxiety issues, knowledgeable about how to support him through them, careful to always make sure Arthit is comfortable with everything they do.

And Arthit is grateful - so grateful! Kongpob is the first person outside of his closest group of university friends who has managed to take down his barriers and give him space to be himself.

But it's slowly killing him. Because he doesn't just want to be Kongpob's friend - he wants to be more than Kongpob's friend.

And he has no clue how to go about telling him.

Despite his extreme shyness and the near-constant anxiety that dogs his footsteps, Arthit is actually very interested in most things that other nineteen year olds are.

He loves movies and anime, video games and robotics, he isn't a big drinker but he's tried it, and he likes his university lectures and working with his close friends on group projects.

He wants to try everything that the others try. He wants to go on dates where he holds (Kongpob's) hands, wants to know what it's like to be hugged closely (by Kongpob), wants to try out kissing for the first time (with Kongpob).

He just doesn't know how to initiate it.

They held hands three times the first time they met.. three more times than they've held hands the dozens of times they've met since.

Arthit is certain that Kongpob is waiting for him. For some kind of sign. But he isn't sure how to show him he's ready.

Despite how confident he was during that first meeting, Arthit knows that it was a lot to do with his anxiety about seeing Namtarn and Jay, and that since that time in the cinema, there hasn't been a catalyst to encourage him to follow his instinct to hold Kongpob's hand.

So he decides to fake one.

"Kongpob, can we meet at my dorm today? I have to go there after classes and it's on your way to the park?"

Kong readily agrees and says he'll wait in the lobby for him at 5 o'clock.

Arthit wants to ask him to come to his room instead of the lobby, but as he opens his mouth, fear floods his senses and he ends up mumbling something incoherent that Kong takes to mean yes.

5 o'clock comes, and passes, and Arthit forces himself to stay seated on his bed - around him the room is spotless and he's even got a cupboard of snacks and drinks and there are noodles and rice waiting on the side along with a stir fry dish.

He just has to work up the courage to invite Kongpob up.

At quarter past five his phone rings and he ignores it.

It rings again at twenty past.

He wonders if Kongpob will give up if he continues to ignore his calls. Or, if he'll get curious.

Artht thinks it will be the second option, but he's not certain.

However, the knock on his door five minutes later shows that his first instinct was right. Kongpob is here.

Can i Kiss Your Lips? (Part 2 of 3 tales - completed)Where stories live. Discover now