One Day After Another

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One day after another

Night of 3/17/2014

Isaac narrating:

"Allison is dead .

We beat Nogitsune . I went back to the Argents' house , I didn't know where to go , I spent the last moments of my life with her , and here in this house . I shouldn't have gotten so involved . I'm not strong like Chris . I'm not strong like her . I can't contain my feelings and emotions . I'm weak! I always was, but she... she, made me feel strong, useful... enough. Like never , of all the bad things I've been through , nothing , nothing! compares to a broken heart . Of all the pains I've ever felt, this one? beats all others. How should I feel? Sad, hurt, emotional? Because, still, I couldn't feel anything. I can't believe she's gone, even though I saw her, I, I can't! No, I CAN'T! !

I'm going to France with Argent , there's no other option , I'm not staying at Scott's house , I can't , just , no ....

Stay in Beacons Hills? Why? Why should I? I have nothing left here! My friends will move on, because they have each other. My parents are dead, I have no family, because I just lost a family member, I can't pretend I'm okay, not anymore, because I'm not. Allison made me feel good , she, she made me feel at home . She made me smile , laugh , I felt good , when I saw her smile . I didn't care what I'd been through and the things I'd lost, I'd lost myself. Because when I was with her, all the bad times disappeared because she made me feel like maybe I was somebody. I could get through anything when I was with her. She unwittingly became the reason why I believe in fate. Of course, I'm a werewolf. So, I'm leaving, this isn't goodbye, but see you soon! ”

hours later:

Dusk was already.

In the plane , only silence could be heard , sitting on the side of Argent ,with the view to the window , Isaac. Just looking at the clouds , his mind empty , just like his heart . His balance was light, quiet, he couldn't close his eyes at all, just, the emptiness settled in his life. The silence took over the entire dawn .


The next day .

Woke every moment, Isaac. Thoughtful , and bitter , Chris. The plane had already landed in France . Disembarking the passengers , Isaac and Chris left together .

 They didn't stop for food, but took a cab straight to their desired destination and prosperous future. 

Arriving there, it was almost 5:30 pm. The trip was not that long, but the silence continued. Finally they arrived at their destination, Isaac got out of the car, picking up his luggage, waiting for Chris to pay the cab.

In front were , with a wonderful view , an ancient Mansion of the Argents lineage . Where , Chris , his wife and Allison spent their summer vacations , but it was more frequented by him and Allison , for father and daughter trips . On the other side was a lake , which was expanding ahead , with a narrow wooden bridge over the water , further ahead a huge shed . There was a swing on top of the outdoor lake , that Chris had built for Allison when she was smaller . Another swing on the porch of the mansion on the left side for those viewing from the front . Isaac looking overall , looks at Chris , and speaks :

-We arrived ? - looking into his eyes , with deep exhaustion , and reddened eyes , with dark circles in his eyes , for not having closed his eyes just to rest .

Chris in turn, with a look of sadness and a slight smile, blinking slowly, speaks:

-We arrived , boy .  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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