Its the time of your ife.

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I know Garrett's gay in all but I can't stop liking him whenever Shane posts a new video I don't even watch it for Shane or what they're doing a watch it for Garrett. My friend rose knows how much I like him and how badly I want to meet him one day cause if I could meet him I would pass out. It's 11:00 AM and you had just woken up. I slept in a while I stayed up all night watching YouTube and Netflix but- *ding* oh rose just texted me I wonder what she said I told her I don't want any surprises for my birthday today but she probably got me something still I'm turning 25 today. Rose I got something for your birthday! Come over to my house in 10 minutes I'll have to get it ready. Great she still got me something I wonder what it is now? Cause she said she has to get it ready what did she get me that she would have to possibly get it ready? 5 minutes later. It's been 5 minutes now I'll spend the rest watching Shane. Another 5 minutes go by. *ding* it's time to go to roses house *driving there* we're here! *knock knock knock* I then see rose open up the door I looked behind he nothing was there she told me that we have to go somewhere for the surprise. I got a bit nervous cause she told me to put a blindfold on I got a bit bored so I started talking about Garrett to rose I don't actually know if she likes Garrett? I wonder if she likes Shane too I'll ask. Hey rose? "Yes?" Do you actually like Garrett? "What do you mean like like like or just like him?" I mean just like him "oh yeah I watch his videos!" That's really surprising "what did you think I didn't like him?" No I just never hear you talk about him. 10 minutes later. Are we almost there? "Almost" Ok how much longer? "Like another 10 minutes" Ok can I get a hint where we're going? "People that's all you get cause if I tell you more your gonna definitely know" Ok. The 10 minutes go by. "We're here!" Can I take this blindfold of now? "No" Why "cause you can clearly know where we are right now." Well if the hint was peo- *knock knock knock* Huh were at someone's house! If the hint was people and were at someone's house that must mean I'm meeting somebody! But who? Door opens *creek* I- " omg hi!" Rose says I then hear a voice if heard before a lot I also hear laughing I also have heard before sounds like Garrett rose takes of my blindfold right in front of me I see Garrett and Shane and Ryland all together I turned red when I saw Garrett. I'm pretty sure Garrett didn't notice but Shane did we went to go sit on the couch Ryland  left to go to the bathroom I was still speechless Shane asks me if I'm fine I say I'm fine when I was but I just couldn't talk cause how happy I was Ryland came back from the bathroom. Few minutes later. I had a drink of water to calm down a little bit Shane told Garrett and Ryland we will be back Shane pulled me into another room and asks if I like Garrett I turned red just thinking of him. Shane said he will see if he likes me back cause Garrett's still single even though how cute he is I always wonder why Garrett is still single. Shane then took all of us me,Garrett,Ryland and ruse to a restaurant since it was my birthday he took us to Denny's I got a cake cause the employees found out it was my birthday and so they sang me happy birthday 1 2 3 blow out your candles! Garrett sat next to me and Ryland and Shane and rose set together in the corner of my I seen Garrett looking at me I dropped my fork on the ground and so Garrett asked to get it for me but I said I would we when I went under the table to grab it I heard whispering from all of them Garrett said he thought I was cute but didn't like me Shane then said "cmon I know you like them" Garrett said I do but I don't think she likes me back Shane said she does like you rose told me she said she thinks your cute too. "Really?" Yes ask her out tonight! " I will" once I came back up I acted like I heard nothing but I was red Shane asked if I was okay cause I was red I just said it was for some reason very hot down Therese kept eating after that we all went back to Shane's house Shane only had a bed for him and Ryland but my house is 30 minutes away so rose chose to sleep on the floor next to Shane's bed but Garrett asked me if I wanted to go to his house and watch avengers war ofc I said yes when we got to his house we started the movie straight away 30 minutes into the movie I feel asleep next to Garrett. When I woke up Garrett said we had to go back to Shane's house when we got there I smelled eggs I guess Ryland was making eggs for all of us after we finished eating our breakfast I sat on the course and watched avengers war again Garrett heard the very first part of the movie and ran over to me and sat next to me and watched the movie with me. Everybody else didn't like the movie besides me and Garrett Garrett took me outside and asked me something he asked "will you go out with me?" I turned red and said yes. After we went back inside and told everyone they were happy for us Garrett was 28 at the time so it was fine he was only 3 years older than me after all that we went to go for a walk it was December 16 so it was cold outside and I forgot to bring my jacket so Garrett gave me his but since he's 6'4 and I'm 5'6 it was big on me but I didn't care one bit. Remember how Garrett's gay? Well I'm pretty sure he's bisexual cause he's still dating me but he doesn't talk about it which is completely fine to me. Here I'll get him to say hi "hi!" That was him.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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