part 14

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Tyler pov
When we got back home Hanan walked upstairs and closed the door to her room I slowly walked up the stairs and heard a lighter flickering i just decided to leave her alone i went to check on the twins. When i walked in there room i was surprised to see them sleep i walked out there room and called jasper "wassup niggaaaa"

"can i call you later i got this bitch waiting for me to fuck her"

"you know you dont have no bitches on your dick but go ahead" he hung up and i went back upstairs and knocked on the door hanan opened it


"Are you ok?" I said

"What are you doing?" I said again. She just looked back at me then one of the twins started crying.

"About to go calm down who evers crying." she left and went to the twins room i search her side of the room and found a vape.

What type of bougie ass gas station selling vapes I heard the twins door close and i went to the bathroom.

"Tyler" i came out the bathroom

"huh" I guess she didn't calm them down they are still crying she just looked at me and shook her head

"im going out to get food if the twins start crying feed them." I was gonna let her go cause she probably needed to calm down after her dad just died but she seemed fine.

I walked over to the twins room and calmed them down.

*1 hour later*

Hanan had just came back and got in the bed. While she was sleep I left to go get some fatburger I came back and I heard the twins crying I put the food down and ran upstairs I checked on them and seen that they needed to be fed.

Im guessing that Hanan didnt feed them I changed their diapers and fed them they fell right back asleep I went to our room and looked at hanan she was just nocked out.

"hanan wake yo ass up" she rose from the bed and looked at me.

"fuck off Tyler" damn someone is grouchy i went back downstairs and ate my food it was about 12:00 and i was on the phone with jasper

"hold up im about to come over your house" jasper then hung up 5 minutes later he came through the door


"shut up the twins and hanan are sleep" he came and sat on the couch and we was playing the game

"can yall keep it down im trying to sleep" we just ignored her well i wouldn't say ignore but more like didn't hear her she ripped the headset off my head

"can yall keep it down" she yelled in my ear i just looked at her

"What the fuck is your problem, if the twins are crying and its annoying you go take care of it i have been taking care of these children for the past couple of days you go do it."

"well i haven't been feeling good for these past days so you can cut me some slack."

"maybe i should just leave."

"jasper sit." we said in unison

"looks like venus and ace are crying go fix it you love your kids so fucking much take your ass upstairs and get it done."

"tyler your obviously the better parent going to school successful you know everything you take care of it." jasper tried to leave again

"jasper i swear to god sit your chubby ass down." he just shook his head and

"They are crying so go get them" Hanan said yelling a lil

"fine since im taking care of our children get the fuck out my house go be with you mother."

"tyler you cant just kick me out im your girlfriend"

"you're just a fuck buddy we never made it official now get the hell out" she walked out and i didn't stop her

"should i leave?" Jasper said

"just play the game ill be back" I went upstairs and checked on venus she was just crying and ace was staring at her I laughed and calmed her down I went back downstairs and played the game with jasper it was 4 o'clock and jasper went home i had school in the morning.

I dont know when im going to see hanan again but I really dont care she popped out these babys and shes gonna help take care of them I got a call from her and declined it she kept calling and I just didn't answer it then I heard a knock at the door I went to it and opened it.

"Tyler I am so sorry for getting mad i didn't mean it and i really got mad when you said i was just a fuck buddy i dont know if you meant that or-"

"i did mean it and if you should've changed the way you act you can see ace and venus when I allow you too." I slammed the door in her face and went back upstairs I laid down and went to sleep i got woken up by shifting movements in my bed I turned around just to have seen Hanan laying there her eyes were all puffy I lifted the cover to get out the bed and seen that she had bruises.

I just got out of bed and checked on the twins I went to the bathroom and came back to my room she was still sleep but she was sleep talking

"no d-dont do that" she then jerked awake and was crying and heavily breathing

"what happened to you why do you have bruises"

"no reason i just fell"

"you dont get that bad of bruises from falling"

"you dont care about me remember im just a fuck buddy"

"just because i kicked you out doesn't mean i dont still care but if you feel like that then get out cause i'm not about to let you sit here with an attitude." she got up and walked out the room

"tyler I love you" i just looked at her

"just get out." she walked out the front door i laid back down.

When i woke up in the morning i changed the twins diapers fed them i got a knock on my door

"hanan what do you want" she smelled like alcohol

"I cant go live with my ex he was the only one to take me last night but I did something wrong and he beat me so that added to the bruises that my father gave me." i just stood there and listened then I thought to myself and realized Hanan doesn't really like me she just needs somewhere to crash.

She never gave two fucks about me or the kids she just wanted to get in my life and fuck it up. I guess I deserve it for practically almost leaving her some place to die.

"You have to go somewhere else because you cant stay here you're a fucking mess"

"Tyler please i dont have anywhere else to go"

"Just go somewhere but here" I slammed the door im tired of her she's just is to soft and bipolar as fuck I went back upstairs and got ready for school Hanan called me and said she can watch the kids but i just declined.

Since she not takin care of the kids she need to get her ass in school i've been going everyday working my ass off getting 100 on almost every test.

I got my mom to watch them while I went to school I was walking down the hallway and I seen taco jasper hodgy domo and lucus siting in a classroom I stuck up the middle finger and they all came running out 

"yo did you hear the news"

"nigga what news"

"Yo lil girl is back in school" I know these asshats is lying cause why would she come back here.

They just kept on talking till I seen a person from behind that looked just like Hanan walk down the hallway

"Hey Tyler." fuck this is gonna be a long school day

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