chap 1 : genoa

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cover cosplay by : mae.senpai on insta

first upload?!!???&1!-&/'a

music for full effect :

Supermassive Black Hole by Musa

Freak Show by Punkinloveee & H3artcrush

There you were, face shoved against the roughly patterned suit pants of Sanzu Haruchiyo

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There you were, face shoved against the roughly patterned suit pants of Sanzu Haruchiyo. "Look at what you've done, little one," his voice raspy and strained. His hand came down to fist your hair into his tightly squeezed hands as he shoved your face into the painfully tight area of his pants, his boner. "Look at it nice and hard because you're gonna fix it." his mouth curled into a wretched smile, the scars at the ends of his mouth curling along with it. You knew he meant it yet you were still going to test his patience, hands stroking his clothed cock teasingly. All of it was fun and games until he shoved his gun into your temple.
"Keep it up fucker, I was trying to be nice with you."

Without a second thought, your hands did their own work, struggling to unzip his striped pants. The adrenaline rush he got from seeing your frightened face, hands shaking slightly as you freed his sore cock from the binds of his pants, jumping when it nearly smacked you in the face, all of it made his cock twitch uncontrollably. The hand he had lingering in your hair reached onto his desk and reached for a light orange bottle, the pills shaking as he poured them into his hand and gulped them down. "Well?" his body leaned down so his face could be close to your frightened face. "Are ya gonna fix it or not?"

The more he spoke the harder the gun pressed into your head, trigger threatening to be pulled. Your mouth eased its way towards the leaking head of his cock and the closer you got, he started to loosen his hold on the gun. A long stripe over his cock head already had him hissing through his teeth, hips bucking up to meet the warmth of your tongue. "Cut the bullshit, I don't have all day!" his hand came down to push your head down, his full length being shoved into your mouth. The tip of his length hit the back of your throat quicker than you thought and you gagged harshly.

With his hand still holding your head down and in place, his hips started to thrust into your throat at a brutal pace and from his expressions he had no intention of calming down. His eyes shut closed as his face contorted into a more pleasureable one; the slightly salty taste of precum sliding down your throat.

Your thoughts drifted off to what he would do to you after misbehaving until one final, bruising thrust hit your throat before a warm gush filled your mouth and a low guttural sound came from Sanzu's mouth. He had released and pulled out, immediately ordering you to keep his cum on your tongue and show him, which you did, and his cock was replaced with the tip of his gun.

The gun smeared his fluids around your mouth and over your tongue as he laughed to himself. "You look like a whore from here.." the tip of the gun tapped the tip of your tongue before he spoke once more, "Don't be shy, suck my gun too." he ordered.

Your mouth wrapped around the cold metal of the gun and slowly bobbed over it, his finger still on the trigger. "Now swallow." your lips quivered around the end of the gun as you tried to gulp down his seed without getting another taste of the   metal. Seeing sweat bead over his forehead along with his pink hair sticking to it, it seemed perfect and you were hungry for more.

"So, is it my turn?" you asked eagerly, hands rubbing his thighs. "After what you pulled, I don't think you'll be getting anything from me, bitch." His finger lifted your chin up to look him directly into the eyes,

                    "I advise you to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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