Chapter Eleven "Bomb"

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Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains death

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{7:15 a.m.}

"You both went outside without telling us?!" Socks shouted in shock at Woolf and Tbh. Basically what happened was Woolf and Tbh went outside the mansion before everyone awake to find food for breakfast. In result,some of them weren't really happy about it while some of them were surprised.

" least we don't need to go outside this morning..."Blaza chuckled nervously. Meme facepalmed at the comment "It's still kinda dangerous to go outside without telling us...." Muffin spoke,taking a bite of an apple that Tbh and Woolf recently found. "Ya... what if you both were killed outside and we didn't know about it!?" Joocie said in worry.

"But we are still here alive,right?" Woolf joked but said it more like a question.The gang stared at both of them with a 'Are-you-serious-right-now?' look."Ok! Let just forget about this topic and start eating our breakfast!"Tbh said,breaking the silent.

The gang were still mad about the fact they went outside without telling them but forgave them due to the food they brought back.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{8:00 a.m.}

"We can't stay in the mansion forever!" Tbh argued. "But going outside is a dangerous idea!" Meme shot back. After breakfast,the gang decided to have another discussion but it wasn't going well.

"How I wish Laff is here..." Socks thought sadly. Laff was usually the peacemaker in their gang,even though he fought with people before too.

A touch on his shoulder made him snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to see Blaza stood there with a nervous smile on his face.

Socks raised an eyebrow at him. "Well... aren't you gonna stop them arguing since..." Blaza paused "Laff is gone right now" Blaza continued asked.

Socks sighed. "How am I supposed to stop this argument if both sides had a good point?"he asked. "Tbh is right that we can't just stay in the mansion and hide forever but like what Meme said, going outside is also dangerous" Socks explained to Blaza.

"How about-"Blaza asked but was interrupted. "Haven't you learn the lesson after we split up so many times and always ended up something bad happen?" Socks said,serious in his tone.

Blaza opened and closed his mouth several times to speak but decided not to cause another argument.

"Umm- Socks? Blaza?"A voice spoke in a very lower volume. Socks and Blaza both turned their head to found Muffin standing behind them with a panic look on his face.

"Need anything,Muffin? And why are you talking in such a low volume?" Blaza asked. Socks also nodded in curious. "Well- you might not gonna believe me but..." Muffin took a deep breath. "I found bombs in a secret room!" Muffin said with fear in his tone.

Socks and Blaza were silent for a while,processing the words. "You meant- like a toy bomb...?" Blaza asked slowly. "No! There are real bombs in that secret room that we didn't know all along! And it had a countdown!" Muffin quickly explained. Even though Muffin was talking in his normal volume,the others didn't seems to notice due to the argument.

"I think we should investigate this room now. If Muffin is telling the truth then we must hurry." Socks said. Blaza and Muffin nodded in agreement and they wasted no time,following Muffin to the 'bomb room'.

Soon,the three of them were standing in front of a wall. "Umm-where is the room?" Blaza asked nervously. Muffin ignored him and went to a nearby bookshelf. He pull out an orange book and the wall that was in front of them opened,showing a long staircase leading them to an unknown darkness.

Socks and Blaza gulped,looking at the long staircase. "G-Guess we don't have a choice..." Socks mumbled as he walked down the stairs. Muffin followed behind him,leaving Blaza behind. "Hey! Wait for me!!" Blaza shouted,quickly going down the stairs.

After five minutes of walking down the stairs,they finally reached the door of the room where Muffin mentioned. Socks took a deep breath before opening the door with a cracking sound. Socks immediately froze after he saw the scene of different bombs with countdown on it laying in the room.

"See! I told you it is real!" Muffin said in proud. Blaza facepalmed at Muffin comment. Socks ignored the both and walked towards the bombs to take a closer look. He crouched down near one of the countdown bombs and eyes widen when he saw the countdown.

Countdown:60 seconds

Socks quickly snapped out of shock and grabbed Muffin and Blaza,running up the stairs. "Socks! What the hell!?" Blaza shouted in shock. "The countdown only left 60 seconds! We need to leave the building now!" Socks shouted,answering Blaza and Muffin confusion which written on their face.

But it was too late...

The last thing that Socks heard before the world turned black was the explosion sound.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{1:00 p.m.}

A figure eyes's slowly opened. The first thing he felt was like knifes were all stabbing on him repeatedly especially his right leg. He groaned out loud in pain.

"Guess we didn't make it out in time..." Socks mumbled,trying his best to ignore the pain.

When his eyes were fully opened,the first scene he saw was just horrified. The whole mansion had collapsed like an earthquake just happened. The walls,ceilings and furnitures were all shattered around.

It took Socks a few minutes of processing the scene before he finally snapped out of his thoughts. He was about to get up but failed. He looked over to his legs to see a wall had collapsed on his right leg,preventing him from moving.

"Great- now I'm stuck here.... I hope the others are okay..." Socks paused. "Wait- isn't Blaza and Muffin with me when the explosion went off-?" he thought.

He quickly looked around and found Blaza was just 5 foot right beside him. "How- did I not noticed him...?" Socks thought.

Socks used his hand to shake him awake. "Blaza! Wake up!" he said out loud to him. After a while,Socks noticed something wrong.

Blaza's hand was extremely cold but somehow he didn't noticed until now. He slowly move himself a bit to reach Blaza a bit more closer.

"Ouch-!" Socks groaned.

After five minutes, he was able to see Blaza more clearly. His orange hoodie was all torn,revealing his blonde hair that was covered with dust. Socks also noticed some blood that was around his head,just like when they found Woolf in the bedroom.

Socks had a bad feeling and immediately used his hand to check for a pulse.

"There isn't a pulse...." Socks said those words in his head,looking at his best friend,eyes widen.

Chapter Eleven 💣!

Summary: Socks,Muffin and Blaza found a secret room full with bombs with a countdown on them. Before they could escape and tell the others,the bomb went off.

Sorry for keeping you all waiting that long!
This chapter was kinda made in a rush!
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1215

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