Chapter 1

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Cairo's POV

I walked along the street as I did most nights. I was beyond thirsty, and it had seemed as if the cover of night would never come. As soon as the shadows had taken ownership of the neighborhood streets and the moon had reclaimed the sky, I left my small shack in the woods, out for my next meal.

My black converse clicked softly on the deserted sidewalk, silencing when I veered off to the grass in front of a darkened house. I couldn't hear any movement inside, so I approached to find the door unlocked. Less work for me I suppose.
The door slid open silently, allowing me to step inside and survey the darkened home.
My steps were silent as I walked up a set of white, carpeted stairs, hearing the calm breathing of two people. One sounded like the soft breathing of a sleeping child, the other was the fair breathing of a young woman.
I approached her room first, going silently to the bedside.
My fangs glistened lightly in the faint moonlight leaking in through the curtains as I ducked my head. My hand slipped over her mouth as I bit into her neck. This woke her up almost instantly, but the calming venom of my bite soon ceased her struggles as I continued to drink.
It was the same every time, the taste. It tasted better than any candy I'd ever had as a human. Better than anything else in the world.
Her steady breathing soon quietly ceased as my fangs pulled out of her neck.
I didn't have time to turn and leave though, because I was quickly turned and pressed to the wall behind me by hands that were gripping my arms with surprising strength.
"So there really is a vampire skulking around town then," a deep voice said. My red eyes lifted to look and saw a tall man, though his face was covered by a blue mask, and where his eyes were there were two black sockets that leaked black fluid.
"Open your mouth," he ordered curtly. I raised an eyebrow, "Why would I do anything you say?"
"Because I can end your life right here if you don't," he threatened.
I laughed at this, "End my life? I don't have a life you imbecile! I have nothing!"
I couldn't tell what expression he held due to his mask, but he was dead silent for a couple of minutes.
"Let her go Jack, Slendy wants her. He'd prefer alive too thanks," another male voice intervened. My gaze shifted behind the man holding me, Jack, to a man in the doorway. He had raven black hair, dark eyes, pale white skin, and a smile cut into the sides of his face. The look didn't even phase me. What did phase me was the blood on his clothes. Thirst still burned in my throat, and I pulled lightly at my arms that were still pinned to the wall.
"I'll bring her, but you'd better leave Jeff," Jack warned. The other man, Jeff, smirked and held his hands out, "let her go, see how she does." The other man sighed, "if you say so," he mumbled then let go of me.
I jerked forward across the carpeted floor, straight at Jeff. I went to bite him, but he shoved me up against one of the walls, his arm across my shoulders to pin me there. "Calm down just a moment," he hummed in my ear as he took a knife out of his pocket. "Jack come here," he ordered.
The other man walked over, though he looked expressionless, he seemed annoyed, "What do you want?"
Jeff took jacks wrist, letting go of me for a brief moment to slice a thin line with his knife across jack's Palm.
"What the hell Jeff!-" he started, but Jeff shushed him as I grabbed jack's wrist. I bit into the cut with my fangs.
"Just calm down, see it's fine," Jeff said, "Now she'll come so long as you don't pull your hand away."
I heard jack sigh as I felt his hand on my arm. He started walking, leading me along with him, but allowing me to drink from his hand.

"I don't see why you had to get her to drink from my hand instead of yours," jack bickered after we'd walked a ways into the woods. I got control of my thirst and pulled away from his hand, "You say that like I'm some animal." Jeff draped an arm around my shoulders, getting me to keep walking," don't listen to him, he just gets irritated when he doesn't get his beauty sleep."
I roll my eyes, shrugging his arm off of me, "Where are we going?"
"To Slender Mansion. Slender wants to see you," he explained.
I looked over at jack and pointed towards Jeff, "why is he more helpful than you?"
Jeff smirked, his arm dropping across my shoulders again, "Because jack clearly has issues talking to girls while using his manners."
"You want me to slit your throat smiley?" Jack threatened, twirling a scalpel in his hand. Where'd that come from?
Jeff put his free arm out in an open gesture, his other arm still around me, "Go right a head no-eyes, give me your best shot."
"Both of you quit," a female voice said from in front of us. I looked up as a girl with brown hair approached. She had pale skin and a stitched in smile. Her right eye was green and a clock took the place of her left.
She held a hand out to me, "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the way while these nimrods work out their hissy fit." I nodded and took her hand, stepping out of Jeff's grip as I walked with her.
"I'm clockwork by the way," she introduced. I nodded, "Cairo."
A light smile came onto her face as she nodded and continued walking.

//So this is another new story. I've already written ahead, I'm just not sure if anyone would want me to continue it. Let me know if it's alright enough to continue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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