More Than A C Cup

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   May 1997

   "Karen Wiltshire?"

   "Nah, She's got bee stings."

   "Kelly Mortimer?"

   "Mosquito bites."

   Blaise huffed. "What about Jennifer Settle, then?"

   "Not a bloody chance," Theo shook his sandy-blonde head and patted the pad that Blaise washolding with his index finger. "I've had the priviledge of motorboating those particular bad boys..."he said with a lustful sigh. "They're immense, but they're no bigger than a B cup."

   Blaise frowned, quill to his mouth as Theo shoved more eggs and bacon into his. They knew theywere now running out of girls to put on their list... they needed reinforcements.

   "Draco, what do you rekon?" Blaise asked in a frustrated tone and thrust the list at him as hefinished off his sausage on toast.

   Draco's eyes scowered the list intently, nodding at some of the choices put on there, and frowningat others.

   "Carina Cartwright should be taken off," he said with a smirk. "She's no more than a B, either."

   Blaised made a 'humph' sound and snatched the list back, striking the girls name off it. "This isridiculous... there's no one bloody left-"

   "What are you three shits up to now?" Came Pansy's voice from Draco's left, and he turned to giveher a lobsided grin as she sat down next to him.

   "Being our usual, perverted and sex-deprived selves." Theo told her through sips of orange juice."And you know you wouldn't have us any other way." He smiled at her.

   Pansy rolled her eyes and pointed to the pad Blaise was holding. "Is that 'the' list?" She askedcuriously, trying to peek.

   Blaise brought it up to his chest protectively, shielding it from view. "And how exactly do you know about the list?" He asked defensively.

   Pansy scoffed. "Oh please, you three are worse at keeping secrets than that bloody chamber on thesecond-floor in the girls toilets." She shook her head. "I could help ... I know for a fact that you'llhave a few girls missing off it..."

   Theo gave her a mistrusting look. "What if we don't need help?"

   Pansy laughed loudly. "Oh piss off, Theodore." She almost snorted. "You three are clueless. Youreally have no idea! I mean - first of all you need to think of bra sizes properly, break it down-"

   "-I like to 'ride the broom', not fuck about with the mechanics of it-" Theo told her with an eye roll.

   "- and I know I can look around this Hall right now and tell you whether a girl is more than a C cupor not." She finished, and watched as all sets of the boys eyes shot to her, fully paying attentionnow.

   Theo still eyed her suspiciously. "Not a chance."

   "Julia Dougherty looks big, but her boobs are under her chin, which implies she's wearing a pushup, padded bra..." she said thoughtfully, ignoring the boy. "That demotes her by atleast a cup size."

   Blaise let out a frustrated sigh and struck yet another name off their list. Draco could see the lookof absolute devastation on the boys face.

   "The devil's sorcery, those padded things..." Theo said with a shake of his head. "Heart-breakingly decieving..."

   "Florence Quentin from Hufflepuff is unmistakeably at least a E cup." Pansy continued matter offactly with a flip of her hair. "Don't let the baggy robes fool you-"

   "-Knew it-" Blaise clicked his fingers and jotted the name down quickly as Theo and Draco looked around the Great Hall for the girl in question.

   "-And then there's Granger." Pany said casually, making both Blaise and Theo choke on air as Draco unmistakeably caught a tinge of pink to his cheeks. "-she's definitely more than a C cup," she added with a shrug and bit into a piece of toast, chewing thoughtfully; more than aware of the way Draco's eyes darted between her and his breakfast plate uncomfortably.

   "Hermione Granger has big knockers?" Theo asked excitedly. "The Hermione Granger?" He asked again. "The Golden Girl of Gryffindor? The swotty little know it all? The-"

   "Shut up, Theodore." Blaise ignored the boys prattlings. "How do you know, Pans? You seen them?" He asked her with a smirk.

   "You have to be bloody blind to miss them, Zabini." Pansy told the black haired boy as she straddled the bench before ruffling Draco's hair playfully, making him shrug her off.

   "I can guarantee that there's more than a few of the male population of the school that have spottedthem already..." were her loaded parting words, and Draco glared at her retreating back as she gavethem all a knowing grin and walked away.

   "Well bugger me backwards...she's right, you know..." Theo said in a tone full of wonder as his eyes trained themselves upon the Gryffindor table.

   Draco tried not to look. He was fully aware that Hermione Granger had fabulous tits. What he didn't want was his two friends finding out and then talking about them all the time. He didn't need Granger's name being brought up on a regular basis... it would do nothing for his constant erection and the pornographic fantasies whenever he so much as thought about her.

   "...look at how the shirt she wears hugs her just underneath them... the outline, mate... they're well more than a handful..." Blaise mumbled next to him, and Draco kept his eyes trained on his plate.

   "Wouldn't mind the view if I was looking up at those norks ontop of me..." Theo put his elbows onthe table and rested his chin on his hands. "Bet she goes off like a rocket when she's riding you..."

   Draco's knuckles turned white as he held onto the bench, the imagery being created in his mindwas almost too much.

   Flashes of periwinkle came to him like they always did. Periwinkle and bright smiles...and that hair. He had always wondered what it felt like since then to touch...

   "Wouldn't think that beneath that prudish exterior there was probably something a little more sultry lurking..." Blaise said in a low tone as Draco scraped his knife around on his plate to distract himself.

   More flashes of her; the scrunch of her nose when she concentrated, or her hand up in the air, being ignored by the teacher ... being ignored by everyone but him. He saw her.

   He always saw her.

   "Think she wears granny knickers? Or prefers the lacy stuff?" Theo asked in a dream-like voice ashe studied the girl, making Draco's throat go dry at the thought of Hermione Granger wearing lace."Virginal waif by day, but sex obsessed deviant by night?"

   Blaise gave a small laugh before finally bringing his quill up and scribbling something down.Draco managed to catch a glance of the notepad.

   1. Hermione Granger - most definitely more than a C Cup.

   That was the only time Draco chanced a glance up at her that day; stood up at the Gryffindor table talking with her friends, her books on her hip and her wild hair loose all down her back andshoulders. Blaise was right; that shirt did outline her in all the right places.

   He sighed quietly, shaking his head.

   It wasn't the first time that he had wished that bloody Yule Ball had never happened. If it hadn't,then he wouldn't see her like he did now.

   He always saw her now; whether he wanted to or not.


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