Life of Enrique

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One time long ago there was a boy from Hawaii named Enrique. His parents were Mr. and Mrs Rodriguez, he had three brothers and two sisters. Enrique was 15 years old, he attended 9th grade at Volcano High School. It was a very very big school, it was so big that there were even elevators just to get to the second floor. He was an outsider, never really fit in with any of the other kids, well in his mind. He thought the other kids were loud, stupid, dumb, and just to annoying. He was a quiet kid that never really talked much and just sat quietly in school doing his work well all the other kids were just being crazy. Everybody only liked him because of his athletic abilities and his mysterious quietness. He was quite popular although he didn't even try to put himself out there or try to get other people's attention, he didn't even talk to anybody. Most of the teachers liked him because he was good, he didn't make a sound, he did all his work that he was supposed to do and he got straight A's. Enrique was a poor kid that grew up in a strict childhood. His dad was very strict and beat him every time he acted out at home, that was the reason he never really acted out at school and was quiet most of the time. At home he was a different person, he was the loud, stupid, dumb, annoying kid to his brother's and sister. Enrique was an outside kid when he was a child, he was always outside playing around with insects, climbing trees, throwing rocks and braking windows, and all that. His dad always made him go outside, his dad never let him be inside much to watch TV or play video games. Sometimes his dad was just a jerk and found every reason to beat him. Enrique's mother on the other hand was very nice, strict but nice. When Enrique was just 5 years old his father went on a "business" trip but never came back home. Enrique's whole family including him was scared that he had died, his mother called his father every day to see if he would pick up but he didn't. Enrique and his family would gather around the phone every time it would ring hoping it was him. Enrique's father finally called his mother back and as they heard the phone ring they all gathered up and were listening. His father had told Enrique's mother that it was over and it wasn't going to workout and he is gone an never going back. Enrique was terrified, an couldn't believe that his father abandoned them. It turns out his father cheated on his mother so that made It worse than what it already was. He went to his room crying, he was in shock an he just layed in his bed that night starring at the ruff thinking. He didn't talk for weeks, his throat was sore from all the crying so he didn't really feel like talking to anybody. Then in school he was worse he didn't even speak at all ever since that happened. He eventually got over it and just had to accept the fact that his father was gone. His mother did not though, she became a drunk and started going out almost every night to the bars. Enrique, his brothers and his sisters were left home alone scared. One night his mother went out and they were left alone, they went to sleep early. Well they were asleep they all woke up to a loud bang that sounded like a gun shot. They peaked out the window and it was two guys on the road, one was on the ground well the other one was standing over him with a gun, the man standing with the gun shot the man laying on the ground. Enrique's older brother called the cops as fast as he could. The cops had went that night but the man with the gun was gone and so was the dead man. The cops left it alone and didn't even investigate what had happened that night. Enrique's mother finally returned home that next day. She had a hang over and couldn't even walk, she just laid in bed the whole day, not even knowing what had happened that night. Enrique, his brothers and his sisters knew they had to tell their mom to pull herself together, so a few days later when their mother was better from all the alcohol, they sat her down on the couch and talked to her. They told her that she needs to find a job and get herself together. Enrique's mother listened to them and stopped drinking, and she also went out to find a job. As time went on, Enrique's mother got a good job as a nurse, she bought a new house, his older brother graduated and moved out of the house and got married, and his family had a happily ever after in Hawaii. The End 😫

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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